Hey.. no problem fella Interesting.. they're for a 3rd party addon. Payware perhaps? I'd guess that ships would be involved? Sounds good to me
Do the large side doors open on all the models with doors (I know there's one without so don't include that one)? I can't for the life of me get em open on the model with the fuel probe
Matt, anything going on in the Cera repaint shop? These are great, I just can't stand the Virt model.sorry Dave mate I didnt want your appear to be talking about nothing, I just had to revise the model and a few small details
anyway 3 snappy ones for a upcoming 3rd party addon
Flying the Wilco Jump Jet around Wittering has become a whole lot more fun lately for a number of reasons...
Repaints... Shar1 ones I did myself and that DaveB released, and the Harr3 repaints I discovered on flightsim.com with your tip
Retro AI Traffic. I've had John Youngs Beautiful AI models for some time but they don't come with Traffic files and I had no Idea how to create them. However I recently invested the time to learn how to use AIFP3 to generate my own traffic files. I've also learned how to use ADE so that I could add parking to a lot of FTX airfields with no or limited parking (never quite understood why that problem exists)... quite a steep learning curve to say the least but now Wittering has GR3 and Shar traffic, Lossimouth has Buccaneers and I'm expanding from there.
Again on comment made somewhere on SOH I discovered Rob Barendregt had done an updated VTOL gauge for the Wilco HJJ that seems a big improvement. Happy day.