If you were to paint "Lt. Bernard" under the aft cockpit canopy rail, that could have been my father.
He was an FI at Pensacola, and later at North Island. Obviously, more than a few years ago.
He was, ummmmm, "ASKED" to depart Pensacola after a small incident during a change of command ceremony. He didn't get along well, to put it mildly, with the out-going CO. He got rather well lubricated (drunk as heck!) and during the ceremony leaned against a palm tree, shouting "HA!!" at the top of his lungs every time the CO paused in his speech. Full dress Trop Whites, sword, whole nine yards.
Needless to say, he was told later (once he sobered up) he could take the transfer or never see another promotion. A death sentence for an Officer's career. He took the transfer.
Thanks for the great pictures. Brought back nifty memories of listening to my father's "war stories" during parties at our house when I was growing up. He always laughed at the old war movies, too, where they used the SNJ for the Japanese Zero. Which was most of them
Thanks again!