Funny Blue Max captions... please add more. :)


"All right, gentlemen, Stachel wants to order Phase 3. Who else?"


How do you like my Jack Nicholson impression? I've been working hard on the eyebrows."
hahahaha I never could help but laughing to myself when Jeremy Kemp does that wierd face....
We used to do this a few years back on the Wings of Honor forum. It was a lot of fun.

I'll start it off... take a screenshot of the Blue Max, and add-in you're own caption. It's usually worth a hundred laughs.


Here's mine -I played with the levels and painted the color a little.
Another couple - notsure how long this silliness will go on...
makes one wonder, all those actors in the movies are relatively old - i mean which pilot would have had an age above 25, if at all during WW1 ? I know it is Hollywood, and young actors are maybe not educated (as an actor) yet to act in films and impress the spectators.
But in real wars there are foremost the 17-25 year-old who die at the frontline, sent there by older people -
Probably because you don't get too many 17 year old Generals lol.

Good idea for a thread James.

Saburo one for your pizza joke:

"Hello Dominoe's can you cancel the third pizza, yes just two please but with extra ham"
For the one that features James Mason on the Telephone

" For the third time, I said a small order of ribs, what's with you people "
Man, you guys have some serious issues.

... what do you mean it wasn't about me? Its always about me .... me, me, me!

For the second one in OvS's post featuring Jeremy Kemp

Welcome to Tracey Island. So tell me, Herr Stachel, is this the first time you have come face to face with a Thunderbirds puppet.



Good one, Flatspin! :costumes:

Could also read:

"Yah, I know it's very red but it coordinates with my red thong AND my Blue Max!"
"Party at the Mansion, tonight - I told Hef I wouldn't miss it!"
There you see, Pol, what happens to honorable, grown up men, when you let them wait for P3 too long. But I can't resist either (wonder if I can make one in English)...

Now I'm getting :censored: worried as to just how bad this will get to be!
