Funny Blue Max captions... please add more. :)

How do you guys do the 'thumbnail' thing? I've been trying to figure that out for a while now. Am I missing something? All I can do is attach a photo. I'd rather thumbnail it.



PS... this is a rip... keep it going. ;)
Dear Otto
Ze zumpnail zing goes so: deep below your written text, zere is zat "manage attachmentz" zing. Zere you search for ze pig, and zen do "upload". Zat should zen be a zumpnail. Is zat not wunderbar?
Have much Vergnügen wizz it.

Yours; Detlev, Baron von Mahlo (der bordeauxrote Baron)
Dear Otto
Ze zumpnail zing goes so: deep below your written text, zere is zat "manage attachmentz" zing. Zere you search for ze pig, and zen do "upload". Zat should zen be a zumpnail. Is zat not wunderbar?
Have much Vergnügen wizz it.

Yours; Detlev, Baron von Mahlo (der bordeauxrote Baron)


Vel don Olham! Ve make to call you "Zumpnail Instructor!"

[FONT=Arial, Arial]Reception? Give me:
- one .45 caliber automatic
- two boxes of ammunition
- four days' concentrated emergency rations
- one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills
- one miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible
- one hundred marks in rubles
- one hundred marks in gold
- nine packs of chewing gum
- one issue of prophylactics
- three lipsticks
- three pair of nylon stockings
...whaddaya mean what am I going to do with all that? Is this Berlin or what?

Hello Otto? Yes... it's me Stac... well...OK...but I'm feeling a little under the wind today, not sure I'm fit to ... who? The Countess and a white towel? I I don't know anything about a towel... where? In my room? Are you sure you... oh... yes, THAT towel... umm well I was just going to wash my Fokk... I'm sorry... Willie did what? ... really? Off of the roof? Are you s... Otto... please stop he dead? He is! Oh what a shame... well then, can I have his Blue Max? Otto... are you there... OTTO!!! HELLO!!!
Yeah, things are going great! I mean, Ursula's accent kind of grates - she's no Audrey Hepburn, I'll tell ya what, but we just did the blocking for the towel scene and, man-o-man! That was something special. Kemp? He makes these weird faces - unnerving. Sure - you're right - it's not like being upstaged by a huge, scary looking black man in a mo-hawk or anything - as if that could ever happen! Hahahaha!!!
Yeah, things are going great! I mean, Ursula's accent kind of grates - she's no Audrey Hepburn, I'll tell ya what, but we just did the blocking for the towel scene and, man-o-man! That was something special. Kemp? He makes these weird faces - unnerving. Sure - you're right - it's not like being upstaged by a huge, scary looking black man in a mo-hawk or anything - as if that could ever happen! Hahahaha!!!

Dude...You are killing me!:costumes:
Funny stuff. Keep it up.

ROFLMAO! Saburo! I'm sure Hunter S. Thompson would be proud!

Rock on! That one had me pissing my pants!! :isadizzy:

Now pay attention I will demonstrate the Freemason hand shake one last time.