Now I'm getting worried as to just how bad this will get to be!
Dear Otto
Ze zumpnail zing goes so: deep below your written text, zere is zat "manage attachmentz" zing. Zere you search for ze pig, and zen do "upload". Zat should zen be a zumpnail. Is zat not wunderbar?
Have much Vergnügen wizz it.
Yours; Detlev, Baron von Mahlo (der bordeauxrote Baron)
Yeah, things are going great! I mean, Ursula's accent kind of grates - she's no Audrey Hepburn, I'll tell ya what, but we just did the blocking for the towel scene and, man-o-man! That was something special. Kemp? He makes these weird faces - unnerving. Sure - you're right - it's not like being upstaged by a huge, scary looking black man in a mo-hawk or anything - as if that could ever happen! Hahahaha!!!