• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

    We just posted part one of the how to on uploading new files to the Library. Part 1 covers adding new files. Part 2 will cover making changes to your the uploads you own.

    Questions or comments please post them in the regular forums. Which forum is that... Well it is the one you spend the most time in.

    Thanks the Staff

    Library How to

GAS PT-22 P3D V 4-6 Legacy FSXA

I am trying to upload the scenery to SOH here but having up load issues. The file will not upload and when I go to submit, I get a file not
uploaded. I thought I provided all info needed. It has been awhile since I U/L here. As soon as someone can show me what I need to do
I will post the file here in the library 'till then.....

I think Dangerous Dave may be adding info on how to upload files here.
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29 Palms did a really nice job and you did a great conversion to P3D. Thank you for all your time and effort. Maybe someone can recode the Field Manager to work with Windows 10 which IMO is the culprit since even an original upload with installer to FSX does not function even though it appears to.
29 Palms did a really nice job and you did a great conversion to P3D. Thank you for all your time and effort. Maybe someone can recode the Field Manager to work with Windows 10 which IMO is the culprit since even an original upload with installer to FSX does not function even though it appears to.
Thanks for the Kudos Richard. I added all the original folders that the installer made. I substituted the contents of the scenery folder with my
upgrades (fixes). The other folders are the same. I figured that if someone out there wanted to take a shot at fixing the field manager, then the
files that the Field Manager would need or use are included. I explained all this and other things in the included readme file.
Thanks to Spad54 for the OK to publish the Phenick Field Redux for P3D here.
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I just gave this one more thought a few moments ago...I still use my ACER Windows 7 laptop which I flew on before I got the Dell Windows 10 desktop. It still has my FSX Acceleration which I have all disks for NOT STEAM so I put the 29Palms original installer on it and installed the program into FSX according to instructions. All looked well. After I was at the airport, I minimized it; started the Field Manager which did not give me any errors like Windows 10 does and tried to change the season to FALL with it. Uploaded high resolution textures but I get an error screen and it doesn't work. So.,..in summation, your honor, LOL, we can all fly it in the Spring/Summer beautiful textures and IMO "DUH DUH DAT'S ALL FOLKS!" as Porky Pig says. Anyone else of which there are many here and at FSDevelopers who know more than I, Gray Eagle has included all the files.
Gray Eagle and I worked the Field Manager problem out yesterday and talked about an update to the scenery. He is going to do an updated package that will allow you to use all three seasons at the proper time of year in Prepar3D V4x and V5x versions with instructions on how to do that. Watch for a new post here.
Phenick Field Fall


Phenick Field Winter

Looks great...I can actually see it clearly again. Eye surgery yesterday and praise the Good Lord after my post op today all is well the doc says. Now a month of drops and healing.
That's good to hear. I thought you'd still be avoiding activity here for now. Got some news for you about this scenery.
Some small surprises. Will email you.
This will end the Phenick Field part of this which almost seemed to hijack it from the Ryan PT-22 Recruit which is was started as by SPAD 54, sorry, didn't mean to do that. Phenick Field V2 complete is in the Warbirds Library for download by Gray Eagle and I am uploading the SODE for the windsock and the flag so that they are animated responsive to wind direction and velocity. Enjoy. Here is a screen shot in P23D V4.5 of them:
Phenick Field SODE Flag and Windsock.jpg
You are all very welcome. I have gotten so much from others in the past 25 years of flight simming, that I always like to be able to return to all of those who shared their work, many who are not with us any longer but THEIR legacy lives on.

Sorry to invite me to this discussion but I know the manager of 29 Palms a little: I used it with my CYMX-Mirabel scene in 2018 (http://frenchvfr.free.fr) to manage the same kind of things.
In fact this software only renames to . old files that are not suitable for the user choice and rename with the right extensions the suitable files.
This can be done via one or more BAT files which is the simplest but without graphical interface.
If someone has knowledge of Visual Basic this could lead to a graphics program.

Sorry to invite me to this discussion but I know the manager of 29 Palms a little: I used it with my CYMX-Mirabel scene in 2018 (http://frenchvfr.free.fr) to manage the same kind of things.
In fact this software only renames to . old files that are not suitable for the user choice and rename with the right extensions the suitable files.
This can be done via one or more BAT files which is the simplest but without graphical interface.
If someone has knowledge of Visual Basic this could lead to a graphics program.
Without any original code if I knew how to write it instead I just created three scenery folders: winter, fall, spring/summer that can be substituted one at a time into the airport as "scenery" and then the appropriate scenery bgls are all used. It only has to be done three times a year when the simulator changes the season. It works beautifully not being able to use the Field Manager which even in an original install into FSX does not function though it looks like it is. I truly thing that it is a Windows 10 64 bit thing because this software was written for Windows XP 32 bit or earlier OS at least in my opinion from all the testing I tried to do. It doesn't work in Windows 7 64 bit either which I have on another system. If I hadn't thrown out all the Windows 98, 2000 and XP laptops I had it might be possible to see if would have worked on one of them. Lars did respond to gray eagle that he no longer had any of the code and sorry he couldn't help.
Honestly I used its freeware version in 2018 and until 2020 so I already had Windows 10 Pro 64 bits and whether on FSX or P3D (v3-4), I never had any problems. It is perfectly stable on an updated Windows.
This software is quite basic: it uses precise file extensions ([file].bgl.off) and depending on the user’s choice, it only renames the archives into BGL files ([file].bgl) and vice versa.
This kind of processing can be substituted by very simple BAT commands or even couple them with the date of Windows to be able to rename the files at the change of season.
Making a script of this kind to rename files according to 3 seasons is quite simple. Here an example that I wrote to manage my autogen of 3 different sources.

@echo off

echo Where do you want to fly :
echo ------------------------------
echo 1. Zone ORBX
echo 2. Zone FVFR
echo 3. Zone CARA
echo q. Quit

set choice=
set /p choice=Your choice ?
if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0,1%
if %choice%==q goto Goodbye
if %choice%==3 goto CARA
if %choice%==2 goto FVFR
if %choice%==1 goto ORBX
echo Your choice %choice% is not correct.

goto menu

REM ===========================================================
echo Goodbye

goto END

REM ===========================================================
echo # Zone France-VFR
echo Enter RETURN

copy /y "S:\Divers\Scenery\FVFR\scenery.cfg" "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX\scenery.cfg"
copy /y "S:\Divers\Scenery\FVFR\scenery.cfg.sce" "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX\scenery.cfg.sce"

copy /y "S:\Divers\Scenery\FVFR\scenery.cfg" "C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\scenery.cfg"
copy /y "S:\Divers\Scenery\FVFR\scenery.cfg.sce" "C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\scenery.cfg.sce"

goto menu

REM ===========================================================
echo # Zone OrbX
echo Enter RETURN

copy /y "S:\Divers\Scenery\OrbX\scenery.cfg" "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX\scenery.cfg"
copy /y "S:\Divers\Scenery\OrbX\scenery.cfg.sce" "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX\scenery.cfg.sce"

copy /y "S:\Divers\Scenery\OrbX\scenery.cfg" "C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\scenery.cfg"
copy /y "S:\Divers\Scenery\OrbX\scenery.cfg.sce" "C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\scenery.cfg.sce"

goto menu

REM ===========================================================
echo # Zone Caraibes
echo Enter RETURN

copy /y "S:\Divers\Scenery\Caraibes\scenery.cfg" "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX\scenery.cfg"
copy /y "S:\Divers\Scenery\Caraibes\scenery.cfg.sce" "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX\scenery.cfg.sce"

copy /y "S:\Divers\Scenery\Caraibes\scenery.cfg" "C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\scenery.cfg"
copy /y "S:\Divers\Scenery\Caraibes\scenery.cfg.sce" "C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\scenery.cfg.sce"

goto menu
REM ===========================================================
Changing the DOS command to rename your files.bgl.off an vice versa should be simple.

I have download the archive and I can do it if I find some time to do it.