Glenview NAS


I've lamented there being no Glenview NAS for my GW3 until I found that the scenery made for CFS2 worked in FS2004 with only a few issues.


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Indeed. We used to have a day office across the street from the eastern end of the huge wooden hangar in the picture. I remember the night that building burned - what a bonfire. I was down there off and on, on a near-daily basis, for almost 8 years.

If anyone is considering enhancing this scenery - do you think you could include the Nabisco plant that was right outside the back gate? Some of the most delightful aromas used to emanate from that building, they swirled across the entire field when the wind was right . . .
glenview nas

I had the pleasure of being an air controller at Glenview from 1973 to 1977. I've built my own scenery for FSX which works somewhat in 2004. I'll take some pics and put them up.
SSI when were you there and what hanger do you mean?
semo - I was at Great Lakes from 9/87 to 7/95, so visited NAS all the time during that period.

I remember an enormous wooden structure, like a hangar, that stood between our building and the ramp. It had basketball courts and other MWR-associated activities in it, and on the long walls of the building, on the 2nd floor, there were offices. It had a beautiful planked hardwood floor. If during your tenure you ever went north to Waukegan/North Chicago, there were several identical buildings at the NTC, across 22nd Street, that greatly resembled that building at the NAS. At NTC these buildings were used as cold-weather drill halls and for instructional purposes. It may have been what the building at NAS was used for as well, during WWII. I think the one at Glenview burned down in 1989 - 1990, can't remember the exact dates, but I know it burned. What a loss.
Here are a couple of pictures that may help jog your memory. I couldn't find a photo of the structure at the NAS, but I did find one of one of the drill halls at the NTC up the road. The one at the NAS was identical to this one in every respect.


There are several pictures of the fire at the NAS that destroyed this interesting building. The ones I found only showed a lot of smoke that wouldn't tell you anything. But I did find an interesting photo of the aftermath that may help, since if you went into that building and wanted to get to the 2nd floor you had to go up one of these:


You may have traipsed up this thing a few times, I know I did. Hope these help.


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SSI those buildings were drill halls. I went to boot camp at Great Lakes and used them there. It was large but not a hangar. The blimp hangars at NAS Glynco were huge in comparison.
These pics are my FSX glenview. In 2004 I can't get an airport background to appear. The planes are what were there at my time. I've stolen from everyone to make my private home.


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You're indeed right, for some reason I thought of them as hangars. The old wooden blimp hangars at Glynco have been history for years now, but when I was a young buck sergeant in the AF I had the privilege of being aboard NAS Moffett Field near San Francisco, and actually visited that enormous dirigible/blimp hangar that, as far as I know, is still standing there. I believe that hangar is at least of partial wooden construction. I think they were some of the largest free-standing wooden buildings in the world at one time.

You just borrowed those items, you didn't steal them.

The place has pleasant memories for me since there was very little activity there for us to be concerned with, and although things did happen that required our response, it was as nothing compared to NTC which was crawling with boot camp graduates just out of confinement, so to speak, and therefore involved in trouble that concerned us. It really got interesting when it became co-ed.
I played sports in the drill hall and had formation inspections, etc there. I don't remember ever going up stairs for anything.There was a small bowling alley attached that I only used once. Thanks for the pictures, they do bring back memories. I didn't take hardly any picture while there, and I kick myself for that.
I did notice in arial pictures after base closing that the hall was gone. Now I finally know why.
Glynco Hangars

These pictures are from Glynco in 1971. I was there for aircontrol schools twice. The first in 1969 and the classroom was in one hangar Guess 47 years ago is indead history, SSI. Enjoyed Jeykll island but disliked flying over the swamps.


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Really, about the only problem I've noticed with the scenery in FS2004/GW3 are some of the building textures are only in white, no detail and the grey areas disappear at close range as when taxiing off the runway. Plus, the field does not show in the map or airfield selection. After I installed it I used the Long. Lat. I found on the net to locate it. I wanted something from the 1930 - 1940 era, so not to bad I think. I wonder what else from CFS2 might be used? I might try MR's scenery too.
Really, about the only problem I've noticed with the scenery in FS2004/GW3 are some of the building textures are only in white, no detail and the grey areas disappear at close range as when taxiing off the runway. Plus, the field does not show in the map or airfield selection. After I installed it I used the Long. Lat. I found on the net to locate it. I wanted something from the 1930 - 1940 era, so not to bad I think. I wonder what else from CFS2 might be used? I might try MR's scenery too.

I don't know f anything can be done about the buildings turning all white, but a proper FS9 AFCAD file should make the field show up on the Select Airport menu. It would also allow AI parking, night lighting, and so on.
Hmm... How does one get an FS9 AFCAD for Glenview? Also I noticed that the roads and walkways are green with black cross hatching.
Hmm... How does one get an FS9 AFCAD for Glenview? Also I noticed that the roads and walkways are green with black cross hatching.

Well, you have to make one yourself, using the AFCAD program.

Start a new AFCAD file and put the airport coordinates somewhere near the center of the airport - it doesn't matter exactly where. The ICAO identifier, if you don't already know it, was KNBU.

If you don't care about AI, all you need is that airport information bit filled out and a start point. It doesn't have to be on a runway; you'd probably prefer it to be on a parking apron. This is enough to make the airport show up on the Select Airport menu and provide a start point to begin a flight from.

If you want to, you can add some navaids.

If you want to have AI traffic you'll need more. You'll want some parking spaces on the ramp, taxiway links and runway links, start points at the ends of the runway(s), and hold-short nodes. Since the scenery already has taxiways and runways, you don't have to make those. Just put "unknown" (i.e., invisible) links of zero width down the middle of what's already there, so the AI planes can "see" where they're going.

If you're not familiar with AFCAD, all the instructions you need are in the help files within the AFCAD and Traffic Tools programs. If you're going to make more than a very basic AFCAD and have AI you'll need Traffic Tools too; they were designed to work together. This would be a perfect first attempt at creating an AFCAD, since the ground features like runways and taxiways and ramps are already present in the scenery, so you don't have to make all that stuff.

You could, if you want, add night lighting, but that would require duplicating the runways, taxiways and ramps in the AFCAD file, which is not hard to do, but it adds more work to the project.

I expect to make an AFCAD when I get around to installing the scenery in GW, but right now I'm so backlogged on other projects, and so pressed for time in and out of the hobby, it could be a while before I get to it. Give it a shot, and don't be shy about asking questions. It's easy, especially of all you want to do is make Glenview show up on the Select Airport menu. Making it AI-ready is more of a project, but it's not that hard.

This makes me glad I included the Glenview J2F in my series of Duck skins. It may take a while, but I intend to fly that plane in that skin from that airport in GW.
Hey thanks Mick, I will do this. Speaking of your superb skins for the Duck, there is a You Tube vid of C-47s with skis taking off from the deck of the USS Philippine Sea for Operation High Jump, the 1946 Antarctic expedition. First time I was aware of this.
Hey thanks Mick, I will do this. Speaking of your superb skins for the Duck, there is a You Tube vid of C-47s with skis taking off from the deck of the USS Philippine Sea for Operation High Jump, the 1946 Antarctic expedition. First time I was aware of this.

Something occurred to me after I posted. If I recall correctly, if you have an AFCAD with no runways and no runway start points, the Select Airport menu will still show "Active Runway" as a start point, but if you select it, you'll start at the point where the little purple airport information symbol is, which is where the coordinates are located. So if all you want is for the airport to show up on the select airport menu, just have that little symbol on the ramp.

Whe you enter the coordinates just put in something close. Then when it's in and you have the AFCAD file open in AFCAD and the airport open in FS, with the two programs working together (it's in the help files how to do that), you can then drag the airport info symbol to the spot you want on the ramp, and AFCAD will edit the coordinated to match that spot. I made a couple simple AFCADs like that to put water start points for seaplanes in various spots where I didn't plan to put any AI.

I'll have to look for that video!
Hmm... How does one get an FS9 AFCAD for Glenview?
If you want to use FSX version open Afcad with AFX and save it for FS9. You just will miss the buildings, but it's easy to find similar as FSX and add them at same places with Instant Scenery. Meanwhile I installed CF2 Version and got no issues. I just have to add an Afcad. With AFX Interface not problem.

Thanks guys, I did run the AFCAD program and now the field will show up in the airfield menu and on the map, pretty cool. No GPS in the 1930s.
OK, now I have to get this into my GW.

The ReadMe says that I must also have MR Library Objects complete package and MR Tree package, which are supposed to be in the library here at SOH, but I can't find them in the library. Can someone post a link, tell me where I should be looking, or send me a copy, or something?