Glenview NAS

The ReadMe says that I must also have MR Library Objects complete package and MR Tree package, which are supposed to be in the library here at SOH, but I can't find them in the library. Can someone post a link, tell me where I should be looking, or send me a copy, or something?

Never mind. Mr. Google found Maskrider's home page for me, and I found what I need there.

Again, never mind. I experimented and got my question answered, and NAS Glenview looks great!

Are those blimp pads I see? I did a bit of quick research on Glenview and saw no mention of blimps, but those sure look like blimp pads. Does anyone know if they ever flew blimps at Glenview?
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No blimps, their actually large round pads they used for runways. The place was literally covered with old concrete. I've wondered what they did with it after the base closed.
No blimps, their actually large round pads they used for runways. The place was literally covered with old concrete. I've wondered what they did with it after the base closed.


I will refrain from putting blimp masts and static or AI K-ships there.

I still have NRAB Chicago liveried J2F, SBC-4 and SF-1's that can live there. And of course N3N's for flight screening.

As for what happened after the closure, Wikipedia says that the land was turned over to the town of Glenview, where the base had been in the center of the town, and the town "
removed 1 million cubic yards of concrete, 1.5 miles of runways and 108 former Department of Defense buildings. In their place is The Glen, a 1,121 acre mixed-use district, with new homes, offices, and retail space, although the control tower and Hangar 1 have been preserved as a historic building. Hangar 1, including the control tower, was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1998. [SUP][/SUP] However, according to the Glenview Hangar One Foundation, 85% of Hangar One was dismantled even following efforts by the foundation and the U.S. Navy to preserve historical buildings."

Great! Now if I could just get the USS Wolverine (IX-64) out in the lake... That would be REAL cool.
Is it just me, or are the runway markings at Glenview backwards? When I go there my plane is heading due north, but the runway that points that way is numbered 17, and the reciprocal end is numbered 35.

Or is the airport backwards? Or what?

I looked up Glenview at Freeman's Abandoned & Little Known Airfields, and it just confused me further. Photos showing the field with captions indicating the direction of view correspond with the scenery. Photos found on Google Images confirm that the runway numbers correspond to the scenery. Which would appear to confirm that the Navy doesn't know north from south. That's inconceivable! This whole thing does not compute!

Other photos show that there were indeed blimps at Glenview, but not until after WW2. Post-war, Glenview was the center of Reserve activity for the whole country, and like all the post-war reserve bases it had many squadrons of all different kinds, including blimps. So it's no surprise that here were reserve blimps flying at Glenview.

In those days the Navy had reserve blimp squadrons all over the country, but it only stationed blimps at NAS Lakehurst. The reserve squadrons didn't have any of their own blimps. Each week, each squadron would send a crew to Lakehurst in one of their utility planes to borrow a blimp and bring it back for the weekend drills. There were enough blimps at Lakehurst that they had blimps with reserve lettering on their envelopes
for this purpose.

So Glenview in my "FS1954 - A Half Century of Flight" will have a blimp mast and a blimp in residence. But not in Golden Wings.

Is there a scenery of the Wolverine and/or the Sable?
OK, I wasn't planning on doing it right now, but it sort of grabbed me and held me.

I made an AI_ready AFCAD, placed some static planes and AI, and added a wind sock, a beacon and an NDB.

The sock confirms that there's something strange going on there about directions. The sock, a stock FS9 sock that's responsive to the wind, shows the wind blowing from the south, as it is in my default conditions, but when I go to the end of the active runway, facing almost directly into the wind, I'm on runway 35, which should be heading north, not south. Very strange!

Anyway, that's the runway I made active because the wind is south by default in my GW sim. That's because Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome, my fictional seadrome on Quabbin Reservoir, and my fictional dirt field in the open land near my home all like a south wind, so that's my default wind direction that I seldom think to change when I fly elsewhere.

The AFCAD is set up to make AI the arriving planes park facing the same direction as those already on the ramp, which meant arranging the apron routes such that the shortest route from the arrival runway has them enter their parking spaces from the proper direction. Changing the active to the reciprocal runway would mess that up. I mention that because I'm attaching a copy of the AFCAD for anyone who wants it.

The AFCAD only had the active runway; there's no deed for the others to be on it. AI planes will taxi on some segments of the inactive runways.

I have N2S's taking off and landing, plus a transient Curtiss R4C Condor and an NRAB Glenview SF-1 as static AI - they're AI planes but they never fly (unless you're up flying in GW at four o'clock in the morning on a weeknight.) There are a static J2F Duck and static SBC-4 Helldiver in NRAB Glenview livery, a static transient Lockheed RO-2, and several static N3N Yellow Perils.

The scenery is pretty complete and I didn't add much, just the beacon, wind sock and NDB. The base already has night lighting.

Here are a couple shots of the flight line:
Mike, your traffic Looks fine. Obvisouly I miss some textures for the three buildings. I'm not sure whether they really are part of CFS2 scenery.



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Mike, your traffic Looks fine. Obvisouly I miss some textures for the three buildings. I'm not sure whether they really are part of CFS2 scenery.

No, they aren't part of the CFS2 scenery. I just checked in my GW and those buildings aren't there. You must have something else going on in the same location. Perhaps a scenery depicting the old civil airport, initially called Curtiss Field, then Curtiss-Reynolds Airport, that was there before the Navy took over in the late 1930s?

I just deleted the AFCAD I attached to my post last evening. I'm glad nobody grabbed it because I have an idea for a better one, that will have a less roundabout path to the departure end of the runway for departing AI planes and still have arriving AI planes park facing the same direction as the planes already on the ramp. I'll put it up as an attachment to another post later today, when it's ready.
Is it just me, or are the runway markings at Glenview backwards? When I go there my plane is heading due north, but the runway that points that way is numbered 17, and the reciprocal end is numbered 35.

Or is the airport backwards? Or what?

I looked up Glenview at Freeman's Abandoned & Little Known Airfields, and it just confused me further. Photos showing the field with captions indicating the direction of view correspond with the scenery. Photos found on Google Images confirm that the runway numbers correspond to the scenery. Which would appear to confirm that the Navy doesn't know north from south. That's inconceivable! This whole thing does not compute!"

Everything around Chicago is a struggle, including finding your way around the airport, I guess.

I just uploaded to the library a conversion kit to make Glenview complete for FS9 or GW. It doesn't take much: an AFCAD file to make the base show up on the Select Airport menu and make it AI-ready, a wind sock and a rotating beacon. T thought it might be worth keeping in the library instead of just an attachment to a forum post. I hope everyone who might be interested hasn't already done the work themselves...
Mick, does your runways disappear when landing or taking off. I would sure appreciate your traffic bgl as I have all those planes in my GW.
Mick, does your runways disappear when landing or taking off. I would sure appreciate your traffic bgl as I have all those planes in my GW.

Well, the runway doesn't disappear, but at certain altitudes and viewing angles parts of the concrete ramps disappear.

I suspect it has to do with how the scenery sits on the terrain. I think it might be high spots in the terrain poking up through the scenery. A flatten file might fix it, by flattening the terrain under the scenery.

Most of the planes you see in my screenies are static models. The only AI planes are the Stearman N2S and the Grumman SF-2. I would've ade the SF-2 a static model, but it's a CFS2 plane that Static Model Maker can't convert to a scenery object, so I have it as "static AI" - just sits there parked except for a short hop in the middle of the night on a weeknight. The Stearmans (Stearmen?) provide the only action - a takeoff, circuit and landing every fifteen minutes, just enough to give the airport a little life.

I would've used N3Ns for the AI, as that would probably be more authentic, but I already had an AI Stearman in GW and didn't want to clutter it up with another AI plane that I can do without, especially one that looks so much like one I already have. The static trainers are N3N's.

The Lockheed R2O is a static model of Bill Lyons' AI Lockheed 10 with my own late 1930s Navy skin on it.

It has occurred to me to put together a package of the static models and the AI SF-2, and an AI traffic file using that and Scrubby's N3N. I decided not to keep the Curtiss R4C. That little area in front of the terminal was looking too crowded. Now I just have the R3D, the R2O and the three Chicago Reserve planes there. I might replace the SWingman J2F with the Clawson one, even though that has the longer cowl, just because it's such a simple model, easy on frame rates. I painted that in Chicago livery before SWingman's Duck came out.

For what it's worth I've attached the traffic file and the Traffic Tools files. As you'll see, there's not much there. It uses David Wooster's Stearman, but you might want to substitute Scrubby's N3N. The SF is Paul's with my repainted Chicago Reserves skin.

Maybe I'll put together a package of static models tomorrow; no time this evening. But before I do that I'll want to fiddle with a flatten and see if I can keep the terrain from poking up through the scenery. No time for that until tomorrow either.

Watch this space...
Speaking of Scrubby, I haven't seen anything from him for about 2-3 months. He'd usually have about 5 models churned out
by now. Anybody seen or heard anything him ?? I hope that he is all right.
Mick, what image or info did you find in a Google search that showed the Glenview runway markings to be 180° out from normal? Also I was wondering if your references show any pics of blimps moored at Glenview. I know they used to visit because when I was a kid they came over our house low enough for me to see the guys in the control car.