Good list of payware warbirds

CWDT Hellcat

I hadn't seen this one for quite some time, but still a very nice model and, considering it age, a pretty nice VC!




The F6F was definitely one of their better FS9 releases Huub, as was the MAAM TBF. Shame they ceased operating.



Yep, got those today. got an email back from cwdt and was able to pick up their hellcat, stang and bf :) very happy with the quality. I read some forums a while ago that the mustang shape wasnt as good as others but i think it looks good
My package of WWII fighters special edition arrived today, still thinking about purchasing the individual packages of the BF-109 and P-51
Only the P-51 and P-47 were released a standalone set prior to the WWII fighters release. The Bf109 which is offered separately is just the single model from the WWII fighters set. It is of course a personal thing, but I seriously wonder whether it make sense to purchase the P-51 set. From my memory the P-51 set contained the P51-D, P51-K (same model but only build at another plant) and the P51-H, which is only marginally different.

The P51-D which is in the WWII fighters set has been updated to higher resolution textures. I wonder whether such an update is also available for the K model.

I'll stand corrected Huub.
Been so long since anything with the MAAM tag was mentioned I more or less thought they had ceased to operate in the Flight Sim market.

I'll stand corrected Huub.
Been so long since anything with the MAAM tag was mentioned I more or less thought they had ceased to operate in the Flight Sim market.


No worries Wombat :biggrin-new: I only found out when my original Briefing Time stopped working and I had to re-purchase it. The site has been changed a lot and the Flightsim models are quite hard to find at the MAAM site. I don't know whether this is the same for the DC-3/C-47 package, but now briefing time came with all repaints already installed. Saves a lot of downloading.

@anels9 Another one to put on you payware short list. Together with their B25-j Mitchell.



Only the P-51 and P-47 were released a standalone set prior to the WWII fighters release. The Bf109 which is offered separately is just the single model from the WWII fighters set. It is of course a personal thing, but I seriously wonder whether it make sense to purchase the P-51 set. From my memory the P-51 set contained the P51-D, P51-K (same model but only build at another plant) and the P51-H, which is only marginally different.

The P51-D which is in the WWII fighters set has been updated to higher resolution textures. I wonder whether such an update is also available for the K model.


that’s interesting you point that out, in which case I’d only purchase the p-51 pack. My fighters edition edition is v1.1. I wonder if the updates on a2as forums are in this pack or released after and are for the standalone stuff
On a shortlist of hot payware model, these are a must:

Flight Replica's Bf109F (von Werra's last flight)


Flight Replica's Bf109G


Flight Replica's Bf109K


Flight Replica's Me262A-1


Yep the BFs are on my to buy list, already got the wonderful Me-262. I have a recommendation for you huub. The Sky Unlimited HO-229 :)
Yep the BFs are on my to buy list, already got the wonderful Me-262. I have a recommendation for you huub. The Sky Unlimited HO-229 :)

There are a few freeware options. But I don't think the Sky unlimited version is still available.

Which is the better payware model of Lancaster? JF/AH or first class simulations?
AH is better visually and aurally but my rig takes a frame rate hit unless I tone down my scenery scalers. The FCS Lancaster flies smooth at my current settings and sounds nice with a nice liveable VC. Either one is worthy of purchase. I just have to sacrifice some scenery detail to fly the AH version.

Thanks, I didn't know it was still available. When you read the text it a bit funny again. Under compatibility is says "FS2004 only", however under features it is stated: "Full FSX model with self-shadows, specular maps, and bump maps".
Its a bit like with the Warbirdsim P51 set. The pictures there didn't cover the package which was offered.

From what I know the model is FS2004 and not FSX. However in the package there is a choice to install it in FS9 OR in FSX.... (will look at the FSX option later...)

Which is the better payware model of Lancaster? JF/AH or first class simulations?

There's also the Plane Design Lanc,

Have them all, like them all, been to long to remember why though.


PS. I quite liked the Iris P40, did it go freeware?
PPS. There's also a few more First class Sim offerings, mainly Hurricanes, but the Wellington is nice. Avoid the Stuka unless you really want the accompanying Hurricane version. Also avoid the Sunderland, gads. The Hawker heroes pack is nice bar the Typhoon, ouch!!
PPPS. There used to be a Tempest at Just Flight which was nice too, think it was by Chris Lampard, Shessi's bff.