Any chance for a checklist for this monster? I'm just flying 'er by the seat of my pants, and I hate doing that!
But man I love this tank!
Checklist is on the left lower console along with DNE and max flap speeds. That's all we have for this aircraft ... not a lot of info available in this regard.
I did provide a "quik flight notes" guide in the installation package:
Quick Notes to Fly the Grizzly
1. Start engines
2. Set flaps 15 if on short runway, otherwise optional
3. Trim elevator to +1.0 and begin rollout
4. Rotate at 80-90 KIAS depending on weight and flaps
5. At 400 feet AGL and above 115+ knots IAS, retract gear, accelerate toward 155
6. Retract flaps
7. Trim for 2150 fpm climb adjusting your trim as necessary
8. The Sperry AutoPilot is a "Capture and Hold" device. It will maintain the pitch and heading (not Altitude).
9. Reduce MP to 32" and RPM's to 2200 for cruise
The pilot's hatch, gunner's entry hatch, and ladder can be opened by pressing Shift+E.
There are Vspeeds, DNE Speeds, Checklists, and Power settings posted in the VC on the lower left side.
If the elevator trim is too coarse for you, change the following statement in the aircraft.cfg:
A change to 0.90 reduces trim effectiveness by 10%; 0.80 reduces by 20%. This allows finer adjustments.