Ground Idle too fast!

I didn't think it was a complaint at all. Let me know how it goes. Happy landings.

EVERYTHING is now very manageable were it wasn't before. She really behaves on approach now and coming to a stop after landing is pretty much the way it should be. One really noticeable change in flight is the rudder induced roll opposite of the input; it is not nearly as bad as it was before this last change, and what there is of it can be anticipated and managed. The mains lifting first on takeoff is now easily corrected with nose up trim.

All this actually has helped improve the immersion of flying this aircraft (for me anyway) in that these cfg tweaks have resulted in a better flying aircraft but one that also requires adherence to preflight, approach, and roll out check lists in order to be consistently successful in the operation of this aircraft. And THAT is the way it is in real life.

This OV-1 is not a virtual aircraft you can just hop in and take for a spin. However, by using aeromed202's tweaked cfg mods, and following recommended control and engine settings (check lists), and with a little practice this virtual OV-1 will operate close enough to the real one to enjoy the experience.

My thanks to ALL who contributed to this exercise in helping make an "OK" flying aircraft into a very good one!

Now I'm off to try and create a late 1960's Cairns AAF, Ft. Rucker, Alabama flight line for my new found Mohawk experience.

Glad it's working better. I've been having a blast messing with it and can now just enjoy it. I'm still working on that reverse roll thing though.
I installed a Ft. Rucker scenery but all the buildings are white. I believe I have the required Nova textures but they just don't show up. It's by Kyle Ramsey for 2002 so that may be the problem. Is that what you have?
No, I'm just using the stock FS9 Cairns AAF (KOZR), Ft Rucker. Ther are no buildings there but the runways are close enough. FS9 even repersents the closed runway. I'm just going to build an AFCD for it and try to add some "permanently parked" AI and maybe 2 or 3 avtice AI of different appropriate sorts, which is probably going to take a while since I know less about scenery mods, AI and AFCAD than I do about aircraft CFG mods! :icon_lol:

But tinkering is fun and I may learn something. Oh, and I'm working on a paintkit for the Mohawk so I can crank out a few new paints for it.
