Grumman Avenger by ORBX

I don't have those strange vortices: (and not on the ground either. Just one paintscheme)


mmm, not quite what I was hoping for?

Screenshot (15167) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

is this just me, or do others see this as well?

and only one paintscheme? Texture layout is not very promising either...
To me it looks a LOT like M$/Asobo is visualizing how the air is going along your aircraft.
There are configurations in dev-mode to make this visible. Did you already check?

-> disregard: Matthias answerd in the -24 forum already....
The one scheme is that of an Australian owned example, Orbx are working in collaboration with the pilot/owner Paul Bennett who regularly performs airshow displays in his Wolf Pitts Pro, the Avenger & Sea Fury. He also does an awesome display in a P-40E kittyhawk owned by another party. It should be fairly accurate flight wise & sound wise. The 3D modelling looks pretty good from the images I've seen.
The Pitts was however lacking & slightly underwhelming for me, the 3D model is off in a few aspects & the flight dynamics are ok in most normal aerobatic phases however it really struggles with anything complex. It does however do & hold a knife edge & will snap roll. The sound is where the Pitts shines so hopefully the Avenger is the same.
I surely hope that the texture layout will not block repainters from working their magic on this model!


See several review which are not so positive, lots of small points which needs to be fixed to call it a solid release. This combined with as it seems a release and forget mentality (abandonware) of ORBX aircraft.

This combined has stopped me from buying this one.

Have good memories of the MAAM TMB-3 in the good old FSX days.

Hope ORBX proves them wrong and will release a patch soon to fix all the items.


PS Shot of my old repaints of the MAAM TBM (released 16 years ago... i feel old... :eek:):
Had a look at the texture layout, but alas, everything is mirrored, apart from the nose.
So no camo schemes, just basic symmetric paints, and then rubbish around with decals, groan....
So no paints from me I fear, just not worth the hassle, for now.
Hi Jan Kees,

Good to know, will leave it then. Just rediscovered the FlyingIron Hellcat. :engel016:

I don't understand why the model if based on Paul Bennett's aircraft the vertical canopy frames are missing in all the canopy side glass, it's clearly visible in all of the references online of this particular airframe, the only side glass without the vertical mid glass frame is the pilot's canopy on Paul's plane.