GVP files

I've now got the compiler to work so can produce GVP files - what I had missed was that I was trying to compile .wma format when they need to be .wav - Doh!

However it doesn't work in game as the converted .wav files I have from brundu841 are in stereo and at the wrong frequency.
They need to be mono and 11025 Hz. I also think that they may have to be the same length as the original.

I don't have the time or inclination to go any further with this at the moment but we now know that it can be done. :)
Thanks. :)

I have Audacity already but even with that what I can't determine is why cfs3 refuses to play some wav files even though they appear have the same properties as the stock ones. :(

What is encouraging is that through trying various things have found that you can add chatter phrases as effects in the aircraft xdp file. For example linking an engine start to the fx_takeoff_b effect/sound so that I hear "you are cleared for take off" during the engine start up procedure (BoB install).
...What is encouraging is that through trying various things have found that you can add chatter phrases as effects in the aircraft xdp file. For example linking an engine start to the fx_takeoff_b effect/sound so that I hear "you are cleared for take off" during the engine start up procedure (BoB install).

I love it when there are new ideas like this, Clive! Still testing the boundaries, bravo! :encouragement:
I love it when there are new ideas like this

Have just discovered this very handy tool too, haven't tried it offline but it looks like you can save the recordings so should be very useful for creating custom radio messages! :0)

Voice creation software, it speaks what you type into it, some lovely WAAF type voices in there too.


ps. has a few different languages too.
Another finding...the systems file portion of the aircraft xdp also references effects files. So as a test I put some new voice effects into it thus:

<System ID="nose_structure" Name="nose structure">
<Threshold Level="100" Effect="Library" Parameter="fx_b_bandits10" Location="emitter_damage_nose"/>
<Threshold Level="100" Effect="Library" Parameter="fx_engfire_m" Location="emitter_damage_nose"/>
<Threshold Level="100" Effect="Library" Parameter="fx_engfire_s" Location="emitter_damage_nose_piece"/>
<Threshold Level="100" Effect="Library" Parameter="fx_flmdebris_s" Location="emitter_damage_nose_piece"/>
<Threshold Level="100" Effect="Break" Parameter="" Location=""/>
<System ID="coolant_reservoir" Name="coolant reservoir">
<Threshold Level="20" Effect="Library" Parameter="fx_fuelleak_s" Location="emitter_coolant"/>
<Threshold Level="100" Effect="Library" Parameter="fx_fuelleak_m" Location="emitter_coolant"/>
<Threshold Level="100" Effect="Break" Parameter="" Location=""/>
<System ID="oil_reservoir" Name="oil reservoir">
<Threshold Level="20" Effect="Library" Parameter="fx_oilleak" Location="emitter_oil"/>
<Threshold Level="100" Effect="Library" Parameter="fx_oilleak" Location="emitter_oil"/>
<Threshold Level="100" Effect="Break" Parameter="" Location=""/>
<System ID="engine_one" Name="engine">
<Threshold Level="25" Effect="Library" Parameter="fx_b_bandits10" Location="emitter_damage_engine_right"/>
<Threshold Level="50" Effect="Library" Parameter="fx_fuelleak_s" Location="emitter_damage_engine_right"/>
<Threshold Level="60" Effect="Library" Parameter="fx_oilleak" Location="emitter_damage_engine_right"/>
<Threshold Level="80" Effect="Library" Parameter="fx_engfire_s" Location="emitter_damage_engine_right"/>
<Threshold Level="85" Effect="Library" Parameter="fx_engfire_m" Location="emitter_damage_engine_right"/>
<Threshold Level="90" Effect="Library" Parameter="fx_engfire_l" Location="emitter_damage_engine_right"/>
<Threshold Level="100" Effect="Library" Parameter="fx_airexpl_m" Location="emitter_damage_engine_right"/>
<Threshold Level="100" Effect="Library" Parameter="fx_engfire_l" Location="emitter_damage_engine_right"/>

What this means is when that part gets hit you hear a voice. What's the point in that I hear you ask?? :)
Well thinking of James' bombers you could have a crew member telling you what part of your aircraft is hit, eg "Skipper, port engine's on fire"

More possibilities! :)
Like it. Could voice files be instigated buy say passing over a spawn like a radio beacon or a spawn to indicate a wp has been reached??
In theory, yes. I have made guns that "fire" a voice effect at aircraft passing by, for effects that should only occur once. It is also possible to attach a sound effect that plays continuously to a building or vehicle so you hear it every time you come within range.
So the one off "gun" effect could be good for NJ fighters getting messages as to where they should go. I assume each would have to be mission specific
They would have to be mission specific, and the gun technique doesn't always work perfectly. I'd like to find a better solution, but I've not spent much time with it lately.
They would have to be mission specific,

This also applies to any effects linked through the aircrafts xdp file. The non player aircraft need to be edited to be ai or other types without the effects added else you hear the voices from the other aircraft.
Clive, whenyou get back to the real world from your hols, could you send me the 'gun" idea if you did it. Thanks James
Back to this! Apologies to Clive and Dan. Need to work on this while Ton, Rob, John,Dan and others are working on new BoB ac or upgrading old ones!

@ Clive post #26, Did you get the free version only? Of course no radio hiss in the background

@ Clive post #28 I forgot about that, Do any BoB aircraft have similar entries? Re post #33 are you saying the effects in the player ac but not in any other ac?

@ Clive re email "They only show up in the mission builder IIRC as the effect only works when they are set as your wingmen in the MB against chatter ai." Looking at your BoB Sept 15th missions, there are mainly ai chatter ac. I was just adding one to each group of enemy or friendly aircraft but could also to player group. So I am not sure what you mean here?

@ Clive and Dan. Any chance of seeing your sound gun and high smoke gun to play with?
@ Clive post #26, Did you get the free version only? Of course no radio hiss in the background

@ Clive post #28 I forgot about that, Do any BoB aircraft have similar entries? Re post #33 are you saying the effects in the player ac but not in any other ac?

@ Clive re email "They only show up in the mission builder IIRC as the effect only works when they are set as your wingmen in the MB against chatter ai." Looking at your BoB Sept 15th missions, there are mainly ai chatter ac. I was just adding one to each group of enemy or friendly aircraft but could also to player group. So I am not sure what you mean here?

@ Clive and Dan. Any chance of seeing your sound gun and high smoke gun to play with?

p26 - it would have been the free version.

p28 - p33 No BoB a/c have this, it was a test. Only the player a/c should have it or else you would here the crew in other bombers.

email - In missions have chatter ai as your wingmen (this means hand editing the player flight). It doesn't matter about enemy a/c and the more chatter ai you use the more chat you will hear.

The smoke and chatter gun effects are in the BoB install and update that I sent. Ref smoke, b_takeoff and b_landing in the facilities folder
Thanks Clive. I found those facility xmls and vehicles

It would seem none of these has been used in any mission so far?
Hi lads... Windows has or used to have a basic 'sound recorder' with which one can change .wav files to 4bit .wav which CFS3 seems to prefer...
and they're a lot smaller as well