@sixstrings5859: I think I personally got a great support from you in many aspects already, thank you mate
zswobbie1: no problem, I always liked the idea to release my stuff into various sims
yeah, I think in many cases can help a
MDLC MDL Converter tool by Ivan Hsu, to convert MDL files from FS2004-->FS2002-->CFS2, if the gmax or FSDS or whatelse airplane factory 3d model sources arent available. but I didnt tested this tool deeply yet. it could allow to convert nicely my FS2004 models into CFS2
then there is a tool called
ModelConverterX, but it cant load CFS3 M3D files of course

the final M3D files are bit out of all the MSFS series standards, so to speak, and as far as I know, there is not possible to convert them any decent way at all. it would needs to decode the M3D into some readable 3d format first. not sure if that happens.
however, my CFS3 gmax models use plenty of dummy parts (nodes) for moving parts, which isnt supported for FS2004, so it needs some kind of rework there. next, it needs to correct the keyframe animation CFS3-FS2004 logic. another big differency is the CFS3 virtual cockpit gauges are all 3d animated models comparing to the faked invicible FS2004 virtual flat panel gauge logic (means a pure FS2004 virtual cockpit).
well, I think I know how this all to solve, still things related to the flight dynamics and so on are way from my experience. anyway, for the FS2004 Amerika Bomber I would just use the
Skysailors set - with credits of course.