Just watched the YT Bounty film in 10 minute clips (from Nigel's post)...it was pretty good, apart from the overacting and the histrionics at the approach of bad weather

It was interesting to listen to Anthony Hopkins' accent drift eastwards towards the Suffolk coast as they journeyed on, surviving on the gizzardy bits of Gannet and Lord knows what else in the jolly boat. Not once the old Pirate call of 'Ah-Ha Jim Lad' which was sad ( I only put 'sad' as I'm not too sure about spelling 'disappointing'.)
What I was wondering was though was about the controls of the vessel- will she be sluggardly and contrary when luffing to windward? Will she be able to 'Come About, Mr Christian, Come About' in the teeth of a raging gale?
These nautical phrases trip lightly off the tongue of a Master Mariner, one such as me what has spent countless hours on the wind-dashed waters of the Alexandra Park Boating Lake, with the cries of the sea ringing in his windswept ears 'Come in Number 5, your time is up' and 'Stop splashing us, you idiot, we'll sink'.
Looking forward to another work of computer genius
