HMS Bounty Project

Only got 4 hours work in today and invested time adding details and changing up the top deck to be more like the Bounty replica.

Still much to do though.

Some people like to see these lit wire frames so here are a few.

The FS screenshot is from last night and do not reflect today's changes.
Only got 4 hours work in today and invested time adding details and changing up the top deck to be more like the Bounty replica.

Still much to do though.

Some people like to see these lit wire frames so here are a few.

Aaaaaaghhhrrrrrr - 'likes' is the classical understatement, Skipper.

I say grab'm m'hearties while ye can - I have a Lodestar wire frame as my desktop and a prettier sight you'll not find!
Hi Milton,
Re the launch boat... I'm sure a model cannot be split into 2, however, for visual effects...
Any years ago, there was a GMAX release of an animated 4 ship Red Arrows (at Simviation). It looked like you were flying 4 aircraft & if you hit the spoiler key or another, (maybe flaps) two of the planes would rotate or move position.
Hard to explain without actually seeing it, but I was just thinking that hitting a key could show the launch boat moving away from the Bounty?
There was also a Harry Potter on a broomstick with a bird flapping around his head.

Sorry if I'm out on a tangent, but there are some great visual effects from the "old days" out there.

Happy sailing,
This is really turning into something very impressive. I
always found the rigging a bit of a nightmare. I imagine
you would need a lot of detailed pics to reproduce it

The wireframes really show how complex your model is.
Thank you again for the progress shots.

Regards Anthin.
This is really turning into something very impressive. I
always found the rigging a bit of a nightmare. I imagine
you would need a lot of detailed pics to reproduce it

The wireframes really show how complex your model is.
Thank you again for the progress shots.

Regards Anthin.

The standing and running rigging are tough for sure, 10 miles of it. The running rigging is about impossible to duplicate for the sim but I have the key elements in place.
I do have many detailed drawings and pics but not enough to isolate all the running rigging required in detail to operate all functions.
The drawings give the overall ship setup, not the individual sail or mast rigging per drawing, so it makes it impossible to draw and understand all the many lines from such a distance.
I have relied on many ref pics to validate and add new lines or change attach points.
There are hundreds yet not nearly enough. :)
I encourage anyone who has detailed interest in the Bounty history of construction and modification from its original state as the "Bethia", download and read.

Very interesting details of her readiness for voyage by HMS Navy and Ship Yard and final mods by Captain Bligh.

Plus you get detailed drawings from which my work is guided.

Conway Maritime Press - Anatomy Of The Ship - Hms Bounty
Just watched the YT Bounty film in 10 minute clips (from Nigel's post) was pretty good, apart from the overacting and the histrionics at the approach of bad weather :applause: It was interesting to listen to Anthony Hopkins' accent drift eastwards towards the Suffolk coast as they journeyed on, surviving on the gizzardy bits of Gannet and Lord knows what else in the jolly boat. Not once the old Pirate call of 'Ah-Ha Jim Lad' which was sad ( I only put 'sad' as I'm not too sure about spelling 'disappointing'.)
What I was wondering was though was about the controls of the vessel- will she be sluggardly and contrary when luffing to windward? Will she be able to 'Come About, Mr Christian, Come About' in the teeth of a raging gale?
These nautical phrases trip lightly off the tongue of a Master Mariner, one such as me what has spent countless hours on the wind-dashed waters of the Alexandra Park Boating Lake, with the cries of the sea ringing in his windswept ears 'Come in Number 5, your time is up' and 'Stop splashing us, you idiot, we'll sink'.
Looking forward to another work of computer genius :encouragement:
Just watched the YT Bounty film in 10 minute clips (from Nigel's post) was pretty good, apart from the overacting and the histrionics at the approach of bad weather :applause: It was interesting to listen to Anthony Hopkins' accent drift eastwards towards the Suffolk coast as they journeyed on, surviving on the gizzardy bits of Gannet and Lord knows what else in the jolly boat. Not once the old Pirate call of 'Ah-Ha Jim Lad' which was sad ( I only put 'sad' as I'm not too sure about spelling 'disappointing'.)
What I was wondering was though was about the controls of the vessel- will she be sluggardly and contrary when luffing to windward? Will she be able to 'Come About, Mr Christian, Come About' in the teeth of a raging gale?
These nautical phrases trip lightly off the tongue of a Master Mariner, one such as me what has spent countless hours on the wind-dashed waters of the Alexandra Park Boating Lake, with the cries of the sea ringing in his windswept ears 'Come in Number 5, your time is up' and 'Stop splashing us, you idiot, we'll sink'.
Looking forward to another work of computer genius :encouragement:

LOL Andy. Interesting comments.

As for the FM, I have only done enough to get her about in the water at her weight. Itching to get the desired reactions and have done some experimental work in that regard.

In a stormy headwind, she's tough to move at all (and would not except I currently have her overpowered) but turn her about she has no problem. I have given her quite the "vertical stabilizer" mass and height so she does respond to quarter winds with some listing. But, I haven't yet gotten serious with all this, just playing for now. (She has 10,000' feet of sail yard; that's quite the vstab!)

I intend to give her as much realism in wind response as I can muster.
Doing some testing with a little sail yard transparency.

First, forgot the texture, got black sails, and liked them :)

Also, setup a static without sails.

Early test was too transparent and did not like transparency from the sunny side.

Final test with a 252 alpha gave a hint of translucence from the VC only. (Not shown)
Milton,this is looking more incredible by the day. It almost looks like DX10 shadowing
across the deck! I mentioned rigging earlier and I do not think complete absolute
reality is a must. When I painted Tall Ships I left out a lot of the minor rigging as it
was just too much to replicate. I think you are doing the right thing here.

This project of yours has me very exicited indeed. It has helped to take my mind off
the problems I have at the moment. I am still recovering from a Heart attack and
Triple Bypass surgery and have been feeling very down. This project of the Bounty
has truely lifted my spirits. Thank you

Regards Anthin.:jump:
Just watched the YT Bounty film in 10 minute clips (from Nigel's post) was pretty good, apart from the overacting and the histrionics at the approach of bad weather :applause: It was interesting to listen to Anthony Hopkins' accent drift eastwards towards the Suffolk coast as they journeyed on, surviving on the gizzardy bits of Gannet and Lord knows what else in the jolly boat. Not once the old Pirate call of 'Ah-Ha Jim Lad' which was sad ( I only put 'sad' as I'm not too sure about spelling 'disappointing'.)
What I was wondering was though was about the controls of the vessel- will she be sluggardly and contrary when luffing to windward? Will she be able to 'Come About, Mr Christian, Come About' in the teeth of a raging gale?
These nautical phrases trip lightly off the tongue of a Master Mariner, one such as me what has spent countless hours on the wind-dashed waters of the Alexandra Park Boating Lake, with the cries of the sea ringing in his windswept ears 'Come in Number 5, your time is up' and 'Stop splashing us, you idiot, we'll sink'.
Looking forward to another work of computer genius :encouragement:


Funny you should mention the nautical terms, Andy; I did some fiddling around with some sounds when Milton kindly sent me a recent copy of the WIP model.

Still can't boast of the fancy-wancy, see-through sails (which I'm aching to get me mitts on...), but getting back to the sounds, I got the 'Ignition' going with;

Bligh:"Make sail!"

Mr. Friar:"Sir!

Mr. Friar: "Make sail Mr. Cole!"

Cole; "Aye, aye, Sir!"

Cole: "Prepare to make sail..."

"let go of sheets and 'tacks'(?)!"

As I say, too early yet with so much work ahead of us.
Flaps were interesting...

version 1 has Bligh saying "Damned you man, don't you bloody cross me!"
but v2's;

"Are you frightened to go around the Horn, Mr. Christian?"
"Are you a coward too, Sir?"

sounds more chilling.
Last edited:
Milton,this is looking more incredible by the day. It almost looks like DX10 shadowing
across the deck! I mentioned rigging earlier and I do not think complete absolute
reality is a must. When I painted Tall Ships I left out a lot of the minor rigging as it
was just too much to replicate. I think you are doing the right thing here.

This project of yours has me very exicited indeed. It has helped to take my mind off
the problems I have at the moment. I am still recovering from a Heart attack and
Triple Bypass surgery and have been feeling very down. This project of the Bounty
has truely lifted my spirits. Thank you

Regards Anthin.:jump:

Thank you Anthin; the pleasure is ours. :)

Are you running FSX and FS9 as well?
Hi Milton.

I am running FSX ACC only. However I do have a copy of FS9
that I picket up cheap in EB games a little while back.

Regards Anthin.


'Mark Twain' as you come up the sandbar.

Amazing to have her heeling over as you go about:redfire: Love the nautical phrases; where they come from I know not, but I did have a bath once long ago and it may be from that traumatic experience.

'Damme Sirrah, set some flap, before I have you flogged' :a1089:
