HMS Bounty Project

If that is true, it is one of the funniest things I ever heard.
Go Navy indeed. LOL !

I will drink to that. The Sun is currently over the Yardarms
here in Canberra so a Jameson Irish is called for. Slainte.


Thank you Terry. Really enjoyed that info.
Previous ships

Kudos Milton she is a handsome ship if there ever was one.

At the begining of your post you had some questions about what was possible with animations, flight model, etc.
If you are not aware, there are several old (FS 9 or earlier) sailing ships I've downloaded & tried (in FSX).
I suggest you check out the "Bonhomme Richard", Schooners "Pride of Baltimore" and "La Recouvrance", or XIX Century Sailing Frigates from Pierre de Rotalier.
Also the modern yachts by Deltasim Studio (some freeware). I believe I got them from

The older ships generally had 4 models - sails up or down, & heeling to port or starbord. You had to change "aircraft" to make them appear in accord with their sailing situation. Otherwise setting/hauling anchor, running the cannon in/out, & hoisting the flag, etc. could be controlled with spoilers, flaps, exits, & landing gear control keys. You also have water rudders available in FSX. Animated flags, that change direction with the wind are cool, & useful when sailing. One model also "fired" the guns with a flash & splash effect, which had to be different if the ship was leaning left or right. This could be toggled with lights (O for Strobe), while I prefer setting them as smoke effects (I key). Nav lights should be appropriate for ships. Some also had bow & stern wake effects. Rising black smoke might be appropriate for simulating dammage.

Regarding the "flight" modeling, they generally bobbed with the waves. Float & thrust positions play a role in this. Try piloting from the helm & observe what you can see over the bow. All were "sailed" with fake prop or jet propulsion (silent engines). Sometimes nautical sounds were substituted - this adds a LOT to the immersive experience.

It would be better to do things like Deltasim, with one model that obeys the laws of physics according to the flight model, inertias, sail area, wind direction & strength, etc. Sail animations can be controlled with flap positions or the spoilers. However, modeling the true behavior of sailing ships is hard to do within the limitations of Flight Sim.

Good luck with your project,
I'm back with my weird 'stuff' again!
I know I'm being a hassle, inagine a "Mary Celeste" type, looking all decrepid, sailing the seven seas.. AI?
Mmmm, that could actually be a fun multiplayer session, a few boats looking out for her?
The U. S. S. Constitution arrived in Boston Harbour on 20 February 1799,
with no cannon shot,
no food,
no powder,
no rum,
no wine,
no whisky,
and 28,600 gallons of water.

It is a miracle that they could shoot straight!
The U. S. S. Constitution arrived in Boston Harbour on 20 February 1799,
with no cannon shot,
no food,
no powder,
no rum,
no wine,
no whisky,
and 28,600 gallons of water.

It is a miracle that they could shoot straight!

LOL. :biggrin-new:

Or even give the order to fire;


.....wwwhere wwwus I.....uff (gurgle)....Row, row row, ya boat....uffff................
Kudos Milton she is a handsome ship if there ever was one.

At the begining of your post you had some questions about what was possible with animations, flight model, etc.
If you are not aware, there are several old (FS 9 or earlier) sailing ships I've downloaded & tried (in FSX).
I suggest you check out the "Bonhomme Richard", Schooners "Pride of Baltimore" and "La Recouvrance", or XIX Century Sailing Frigates from Pierre de Rotalier.
Also the modern yachts by Deltasim Studio (some freeware). I believe I got them from

The older ships generally had 4 models - sails up or down, & heeling to port or starbord. You had to change "aircraft" to make them appear in accord with their sailing situation. Otherwise setting/hauling anchor, running the cannon in/out, & hoisting the flag, etc. could be controlled with spoilers, flaps, exits, & landing gear control keys. You also have water rudders available in FSX. Animated flags, that change direction with the wind are cool, & useful when sailing. One model also "fired" the guns with a flash & splash effect, which had to be different if the ship was leaning left or right. This could be toggled with lights (O for Strobe), while I prefer setting them as smoke effects (I key). Nav lights should be appropriate for ships. Some also had bow & stern wake effects. Rising black smoke might be appropriate for simulating dammage.

Regarding the "flight" modeling, they generally bobbed with the waves. Float & thrust positions play a role in this. Try piloting from the helm & observe what you can see over the bow. All were "sailed" with fake prop or jet propulsion (silent engines). Sometimes nautical sounds were substituted - this adds a LOT to the immersive experience.

It would be better to do things like Deltasim, with one model that obeys the laws of physics according to the flight model, inertias, sail area, wind direction & strength, etc. Sail animations can be controlled with flap positions or the spoilers. However, modeling the true behavior of sailing ships is hard to do within the limitations of Flight Sim.

Good luck with your project,

Thank you JG; I was not aware of Pierre's work but will download and check them out.

I have many of these things planned or worked out and have created a "flight model" for the Bounty's dimensions and weight that gives her a realistic feeling in the water; still very preliminary but a nice start.

The key challenges for me will be sail and yard management, heeling, and speed management in various winds. It takes a lot of power to get that weight moving, and then restricting speed to realistic values after moving is the challenge.
Moving sails from port to starboard on a square rigger is a tough challenge given all the ropes involved, too many to animate and very tough to change the lengths of rope.

I appreciate your detailed post and will use it as a reminder for features. :)
Hi there Milton, we are missing your 'trials & tribulations' of your ship building.
It is always great to open the forums & see where you are with the building of this ship.

I do realise that you are up to your elbows with other projects as well, but would love to here what you up to, else a bit of keel hauling could be due!

Kind Regards,
Hi there Milton, we are missing your 'trials & tribulations' of your ship building.
It is always great to open the forums & see where you are with the building of this ship.

I do realise that you are up to your elbows with other projects as well, but would love to here what you up to, else a bit of keel hauling could be due!

Kind Regards,


Thank you for your continued interest. I ran into some issues with the Hold deck and contents. Fooled around with it for several days and could not resolve the issues. Finally decided the scrap the hold and reserve polys and size for the upper and lower decks. I then invested a couple days refining things above and below decks, rigging, ropes, yard arms, etc.

I am still well below the poly and number of parts limits of gmax and my normal aircraft builds so I should be in good shape from here.

I have not worked on it seriously for several days but hope to resume by the weekend trying to finalize the top deck and a few more items in the Captain's Quarters.
From there I will proceed with mapping for textures.

That's it for now. :)
Thanks for the update, no rush at all!! We will let you off the keel hauling for now.
Robin :)
This looks absolutely fantastic, a beautiful modelling job on a beautiful ship. I look forward to walking around inside it and maybe discover some remote tropical island :applause: :applause: :applause:
Trying to get the mapping done for textures, major items done and starting on the smaller and miscellaneous parts. Will likely be another week to wrap up the mapping details.
LOL... you know, just yesterday whilst on patrol in the South Pacific, the Captain of the LUN spied a dress floating in the water.... Now you wouldn't know anything about that, would you, Sir Milton? I hope you didn't dispatch with "the wenches" mate. Rum and Vodka are in short supply on board the LUN:dizzy:, you have any you'd like to trade for?

Seriously, that ship looks superb! I will certainly have a go when she is sea worthy... even tho I'm not one for ships in FS. But keep an eye out, I've been flying around in Manuele's CANT Z.506 in that area. :biggrin-new:

Cheers mate!

Experimenting with various textures for the lower deck. I like this rustic look though not sure how it might compare to the original Bounty.

The upper deck will be more refined more closely following the replica Bounty.