HMS Bounty Project

Funny this should come up. I walked past Captain William Bligh's house a couple of weeks back.

Wow! Interesting. Yes, I had to watch all the "Mutiny on the Bounty" flicks before getting into this. That was a year ago and I need to revisit to see now what I didn't pay attention to. :)

Hi Milton,

let me know if I can pitch in, I'd love to get my hands on this for some texturing work!

Best wishes,

Thank you Sasha; we appreciate that. Nigel has the lead on this but may well call on you.

What an AWESOME project!!! Milton you are a creative genius :O)

Thank Ted; no, just modeling and having fun. I will say that sailing this is a lot more fun than I expected and I haven;t yet added animations and any guidance.

I have invested most of today changing up the stern end to look more like the replica and just trying to get those rear rounded, curved, bulging windows and frames cloned and reversed. Mirroring didn't quite do it correctly but I have finally got it looking good from the Captain's Quarters. :) Feeling like a bloody boatswain. LOL Hard to get a good screenshot down on the lower deck as everything is tight and rounded but here is the approach to the Capt's quarters after removing one side of the officer's quarters.
Will it be possible the yardarms change direction
when for instance Tacking? This project Milton is
really exciting. So far the work you have done is
absolutely first class. Even if it takes much longer
to complete I am sure everyone will be waiting eagerly
for this great project.

Forgot to say thank you for inviting me to be a testor.
that will be an honor.

Regards Anthin

Yes, it would be possible. However, it would be very difficult to animate the running rigging that secures the sail yard ends, so that is the major obstacle. I have many hours in creating all the standing and running rigging but I can only provide a portion of all that is required of running rigging, the pulleys, and enabling criteria. The ropes unfortunately cannot be animated.

So far, I have setup the air file and cfg so that winds do affect the roll and speeds but since I am still into heavy modeling, I have not yet focused on animations beyond the rudder.

I appreciate your interest and questions. :)
Thank you Milton for your reply. I wish I had interior
shots of similar interiors to send you. I did have some
shots takes of the interior of the re-construction of the
Golden Hind at Expo 86 in Vancouver BC. I cannot seem
to find them.

I envy you in the nicest way,your talent. This looks like a
major undertaking. Is it possible to weather,for instance
the decks etc? I know nothing about this process although
I was a Maritime artist for most of my life.

Regards Anthin.
Thank you Milton for your reply. I wish I had interior
shots of similar interiors to send you. I did have some
shots takes of the interior of the re-construction of the
Golden Hind at Expo 86 in Vancouver BC. I cannot seem
to find them.

I envy you in the nicest way,your talent. This looks like a
major undertaking. Is it possible to weather,for instance
the decks etc? I know nothing about this process although
I was a Maritime artist for most of my life.

Regards Anthin.

I am certain that Nigel will weather the decks, all wood floor, hull, mast, and deck surfaces and the sail yards. I have many pics of the Bounty in its weathered state.

I also found many photos of period Capt's Qtrs from which to evolve a proper setting for that and the other rooms. Not likely to do all of them but some will be completed.
Progress for today: focus was primarily on constructing the "Hold" deck floor, beams, walls, doors and stairs.

With this now done, it's back to the top deck to finish up the remaining work there.
The level of detail you are undertaking must be taking a lot of patience.
"stairs-companionways" , The Hold! I do not think I have ever looked
forward to anything in Flight Sim as this,including a great DC-3. How will
you light below decks? Is it even possible?

As an after thought,is it possible to have a usable "Jolly Boat". Would it
have to be a seperate item, if that is the word ? To be able to go ashore
from the HMS Bounty would be an incredible asset. It also could be an
incredible nightmare for you. I think that would probably be a pretty big
added burden.

Regards Anthin.
The level of detail you are undertaking must be taking a lot of patience.
"stairs-companionways" , The Hold! I do not think I have ever looked
forward to anything in Flight Sim as this,including a great DC-3. How will
you light below decks? Is it even possible?

As an after thought,is it possible to have a usable "Jolly Boat". Would it
have to be a seperate item, if that is the word ? To be able to go ashore
from the HMS Bounty would be an incredible asset. It also could be an
incredible nightmare for you. I think that would probably be a pretty big
added burden.

Regards Anthin.

Thank you Anthin. It is not so much patience as it is love of modeling, or creating from nothing, and to enjoy the progress of each step toward the goal. It is the journey into something new for me that inspires, the learning required to take on a new challenge, the satisfaction of accomplishment, and the joy of sharing. It is pure fun with each day of progress to see the results.

As for the lights below decks, no problem; as with the original, they shall be "candle lit". :) Lamps will be sprinkled throughout the lower decks as with the lamps on the stern. Of course, effects will be used to generate the lighting in a most subtle way (as was used in the cabin of the Avia 51).

As of now, I know of no way to transfer to a separate sim device (launch boat) and sail away.

I appreciate your enthusiasm for the project. Frankly, I had doubted that anyone would be interested from the beginning but I wanted to do it in honor of the HMS Bounty, the replica, now lost at sea.
Here's a few shots (vc views) from the lower deck and hold in late day and dawn lighting (pretty dark but you can see some details), and 2 of mid-day lighting to give you a sense of how those areas appear without "lanterns".

This was just a test to see what these areas are looking like now before effects and textures are done.

You will see the mizzen and main masts and the elm pumps but the foremast is behind a forward wall.
Just finished constructing the lower deck walls and rooms. Another challenge in size, shapes and dimensions with all teh curves and angles at play.

I threw out the bread plant storage in favor of a large Captain's suite where the Nigel and I can share beverages of choice on our long, GPS, waypoint-guided voyages. :)

The rooms will be sparsely appointed excepting of course the Captain's suite. :)

Aye Capt'n!

Glad to see the back of the pesky bread plants and look forward to a suite where those beverages will be eagerly shared, Skipper.
And I'm sure there'll be many mates aboard to share in the adventure.

Poor old Bligh didn't deserve to have his quarters turned into a conservatory.
According to research, Joseph Banks, the botanist behind the bread plant idea was mainly interested in them as cheap 'fodder' for the workers on his plantation.

Just a thought; to be on the safe side, should we include a ship's brig?:wiggle:
Milton, you inspired me to watch two versions of Mutiny On The Bounty...looking forward to sailing your project.:jump:
Aye Sir, was trying to do the same last week but Netflix no longer streams them. :-/

Utube shows the 1984 (Hopkins/Gibson) version in 13 seamless parts - just go to part 1 and it automatically plays the entire film;

Historians seem to agree this to be the most historically accurate and more fair to the character of Bligh. The Royal Navy Board of Inquiry congratulated him for his outstanding navigational capabilities and level of seamanship in saving the survivors.

The music by Vangelis is a masterpiece among soundtracks.
That is my favorite version but it does not play in my part of the country until you get to part 3. Fortunately I have CDs! :O)
Thank you for showing progress shots. I used to get a lot of
satisfaction as well when working on a project. A bit like having
a child and watching it grow.

You would not want to be very tall below decks. You would end
up hunched over all the time.

I am sure there will be many Simmers who will enjoy this creation.

I think I will hawl out my DVD of mutiny on the Bounty. I have not
watched it for some time.

Regards Anthin