I need some help - cfs2 ships to FS2004 scenery objects

I sent crashaz a PM. Though crashaz hasn't been on since April 25. So we'll have to wait and see. If you have a list of ships you'd like then maybe we can go from there.

Didn't the Hog Islander get made for FS2004?


If some one wants to test them out I can ask Stuart to use His Italian ships. I'm sure he wouldn't mind. I'll just need someone to run it through the sim and check for bugs. I can do the air and cfgs but I can't test.

so let me know.

Till Later,

Thank you, i used rough cfg and air files, made rough traffic file and found that taking ships into tight formations and ship like maneuvers was impossible (for me) and speed was way too big form my taste anyway. So unless somebody will find easy way for idiots like me to convert CFS2 models into fs2004 bgl's i will have too be happy with static sailing boats, and those are not that bad anyway :encouragement:
John et al,
I've just emailed Greg Law (Groundcrew), and he's given permission to do whatever we want (thanks Greg very generous). So that means all the excellent GC and Greg's own Atlantic/British shipping, that's some 18 ships, including tanker, cargo, Corvette, Destroyer, AC carriers etc!

So with a few more permissions, there will be a large selection for convoy duty, and most CFS2 ships will be low poly and some with LODs, which will be good for FRs.


Excellent news Shessi.


Give Cees Donker's Liberty ship a try. See if his CFG and AIR work for you. If it does then we have a template to work from. I'm going to PM him to see if I can use it with the CFS2 stockers.

If you you want BGLs I can do that for the CFS2 ships.


How would you like to proceed with the GC ships?

Oh antoher thought, Sound... is it needed? Can we use a dummy file or is there a good sould file to go with it?
Blood_Hawk23 and Shessi (and anybody else) taking this project on, A BIG THANK YOU.:very_drunk:
There is a package by Holger Sandmann that add's ai ships around San Fran, look at SimV
for ai_ships.zip and ai_shipx.zip. In the read me he gives some tips and tricks on how to add
your own ships. Might be of some help.
I don't think you will be able to do a true Atlantic crossing in fs9, but maybe set up a few
convoys in a oval race track type afcad in different parts of the North Atlantic and the North Sea
would do. (just a thought) If you d/l the above packages open the afcads in afcad2 or ADE9
(the latter is better) you can see how Holger set them up.
As for sound folders, you can add a dummy folder or leave it out, as it doesn't matter with ai in
fs9. If you need a tester I can help, just PM me here.

Atlantic WW II convoy

Hallo friends
what I do read there in the last posts "sounds" really fine!
I must say that here is a realy fine community.
I don't think you will be able to do a true Atlantic crossing in fs9, but maybe set up a few convoys in a oval race track type afcad in different parts of the North Atlantic and the North Sea would do.
That's exactly what I itend to do next week. Not oval but a straight route with several Afcad allowing ships moving parallel within the 40 miles radius given by AI.

Really looking forward to your efforts. If you need any ships for choice/testing etc please let us know, there are a lot of CFS2 ships available that can be made into FS2004 mdls and bgls.

Re GC ships etc. One problem is that you work in Gmax and I work in FSDS. Although I use Gmax to get bits and pieces ported over etc, I'm not that clever, so FSDS is the way for me. So you and I can get GC ships and other stuff into building progs from MCX, build/mod etc, but then outputting will have to be done separately...have to see what can be done.

Installed Sandmann's ship AFCAD etc, and swapped ships. Giving a taste of what might be?!....hopefully ;).

pic1 Groundcrew's HMS Starling and Tanker; pic2 and pic3 Bruno's RAF High Speed Launch and pic4 TR's Type VIIC U-Boat.


I have perms to use Cees' AIR and CFG files for the AI. After looking at the those pictures I think that the GC's ships are the way to go. The stockers won't look that good.

I have FSDS but its locked in trial mode. For what ever reason It won't register. so I can open the models and look at them but not much else.

I may have to get a copy of FS9. Its hard to work on something and not get to play with it.:biggrin-new:

One more night of work then I can get too it.


If your willing to test the ships I can send them to you.
Really looking forward to your efforts. If you need any ships for choice/testing etc please let us know, there are a lot of CFS2 ships available that can be made into FS2004 mdls and bgls.

Thanks. To make FS9 and CF2 suitable as AI I just use a special aircraft.cfg and air file, that's all. I converted about fifty ships of classic era this way, even a junk and dolphins!

Drag and drop mdl into latest version of MCX. Choose and export as a .3DS file. Import .3DS file into Gmax.....simples!

Make sure you have the latest release of MCX (Arno hasn't updated it for months now).

I can't remember if the ability of Gmax to read .3DS files is a plug-in, but I don't think so.

Here's HMS Starling in Gmax.


Well that didn't help. So what ever it is, the GC models will not import for me. I could try reinstall McX. Oh I have MCX 130. I think that is the newest. I'll keep looking into it.
You need to update to version 1.4.0. I had the same problem opening GC ships with 1.3.0.
Make sure you have both options set to "True" under Options/General Settings, so MCX will
check for updates at startup.

Apologies for 'teaching you to suck eggs', but I was just checking! Yes, it's 'coz of the old MCX version, the newest is 1.4 r2702, then you will be good to go.


No worries. I wasn't aware of the new version. I'll give that a try and see how it goes. I may be my install anyways.

It kinda bummed me out when I went to import the model and nothing was happening. I finally get a couple days to do something and not be able to do it was a let down of sorts. Ok of to get the new version and try again.

I'll keep you posted.

Till Later,
GC CAMship...

I have just finished the CAMship. To bad we don't have a low poly Hurricane to place on her. I could try using a CFS stock model. Just for something to add to the AI model.

If someone wanted to make a Catapult version I could supply the model for static use as well. Might be fun to fly off the CAMship to intercept the Kondor or look for UBoats. Maybe add the Float plane tender that was in one of the other posts.

I'll have it packed up with Cees' Air and CFG.

Till Later,
Tweaked the very old Alphasim Sea Hurri, fitted and looks pretty good. If you want the mdl/bgl let me know.

