Indiafoxtecho/Dino Cattaneo Long-EZ now available

Thank you. I will see what happens with the update. So far, I have found it unflyable. I've made no controller changes. All of the native ASOBO aircraft fly just fine. This is like balancing on a pinhead in the wind. - d
Very strange... by and large users seem very happy with it, and I had no complains about the flying qualities.The fm is coded in the same way Asobo aircrafts are made... I do not think things will change in the update as there is no change to the fm... anyway let me know you findings.
Very strange... by and large users seem very happy with it, and I had no complains about the flying qualities.The fm is coded in the same way Asobo aircrafts are made... I do not think things will change in the update as there is no change to the fm... anyway let me know you findings.

Problem solved! With the latest update, the flight model in the sim was switched from Modern to Legacy. Once I set back to Modern, all of the pitching and out of control behavior vanished. It appears that the ASOBO aircraft can fly in either mode without issue. Happy it's flying!

- d
Problem solved! With the latest update, the flight model in the sim was switched from Modern to Legacy. Once I set back to Modern, all of the pitching and out of control behavior vanished. It appears that the ASOBO aircraft can fly in either mode without issue. Happy it's flying! - d
Good - thanks for letting me know.The Long-EZ is embraces the new flight model (and pretty much every practice in the SDK except sound)... will not work with legacy fm.

Screenie looks like a photo. Nice!

The EZ looks like fun. Will have to add it once I get going with FS2020 down the road.
After having done several flights with the aircraft, a pre-takeoff item I do now is set the elevator trim about halfway/50% between neutral and full aft (nose up), which allows the aircraft to fly off easier when takeoff airspeed is reached and is close to the trim setting required for cruise.
Yep, this "military" skin from 1.02 is really nice. Btw. here you can open canopy also :encouragement:.

After having done several flights with the aircraft, a pre-takeoff item I do now is set the elevator trim about halfway/50% between neutral and full aft (nose up), which allows the aircraft to fly off easier when takeoff airspeed is reached and is close to the trim setting required for cruise.

confirm on that. I've even had to go a little further aft in flight for level cruise.

I may get to this eventually, but I thought I might share a pretty cool real one that would be a nice one to paint up, N812SP. Pretty ones seem to be few and far between.



And another...


John Denver's was pretty, I don't know how people feel about doing that one, though...

This would be interesting, kind of an XP-55 Ascender throwback scheme..



One more... Oshkosh 2019 Plans Built Grand Champion (remember when...)

I may get to this eventually...

Btw. here is nice video with the answer, why on parking Long-EZs are parked on his nose ;>:


This is interesting skin, you can notice also external tanks for Long-distance EZ (it could be nice feature in model too ; ), Id like to know also is it possible to add on external station someting in MSFS?):


And this time its not Chinese fake, its Pakistan's drone: :biggrin-new: .

I've never understood why a highly skilled inventive air- and space engineer like Burt Rutan went with the awkward landing gear configuration for his otherwise graceful Long-EZ. In flight it looks like it has lost its nose gear along the way, parked it looks like it collapsed during landing... Imagine how to get a potential buyer interested in your design when walking up to it looking like that, with its nose buried in the grass... :)

(how would the nose gear be extendend before taxi ? By hand, lifting the nose up and the gear would simply fall out ?)

( Edit: wrote this before Yoyo posted his comment, thanks for the video link. ;-) (still looking awkward but nontheless very inventive and elegant nose-gear design)

That last shot looks like something out of an IPMS competition

I was thinking the same thing ! :smile:

Obviously it's the blurried background that does that. RW parked aircraft photo's never look like that, because the're so small RW plastic model aircraft photo's usually always look like that.

Not tried it myself yet (i'd always use PSP build in motion blurr to achieve speed of a passing by aircraft) but ever since that first photo of the MSFS screenshot blurr effect with the Caravan flying over sea it has not been MY cup of tea. We want our aircraft to look like real ones, not like plastic models.. :smile:

(and with MSFS they do look like real ones like never before, don't they ! :cool: )
ideas for the next patch:

1/ can you add this arrows for rotating switches/knobs and fuel selector like in default planes (left and right position of arrow) when mouse cursor will be over rotating point?

2/ more and louder clickspot (sound of switches), sound for working fuel pump

3/ vertical line on whiskey compass.

4/ fuel selector - here it looks like by mouse you can use it only in one way (mouse wheel)

(btw. I know also that MSFS SDK isnt completed yet) :)

Thank You!
ideas for the next patch:

1/ can you add this arrows for rotating switches/knobs and fuel selector like in default planes (left and right position of arrow) when mouse cursor will be over rotating point?

2/ more and louder clickspot (sound of switches), sound for working fuel pump

3/ vertical line on whiskey compass.

4/ fuel selector - here it looks like by mouse you can use it only in one way (mouse wheel)

(btw. I know also that MSFS SDK isnt completed yet) :)

Thank You!

Also, the mouse wheel rotation action is backwards from the default. Up in value should be forward rotation, and down in value is rotating backward. Granted, the direction you have it is more natural, but the default is what it is.

It's not a big deal, but I thought I'd just point it out.
I'm also hoping for the addition of an Autopilot for the long VFR cruise/sight seeing flights. A good number of actual Long-EZ's are A/P equipped.