Indiafoxtecho/Dino Cattaneo Long-EZ now available

One last bump as I unstick this. New release stickies will be left for about a month until things get busier, then either two or three weeks, but that's way down the road still.
Long-Eze v1.10 is up at Sim Market. It will show up everywhere else eventually. Here's the list of updates;

Version 1.10
November 20, 2020
- Redone flight model to implement new canard settings
- Minor tweaks to engine performance
- Minor tweaks to aircraft maneouverability
- Increased detail and polycount of several cockpit objects
- Retextured cockpit with higher res textures
- Fixed miscellaneous animations and mouse areas
- Added missing lubber line to compass
- Minor improvements to sound package
- Miscellaneous fixes in configuration files
- Cleaned canopy textures
- Replaced library pilot figures with custom models including possibility to remove the pilot figures (beware not to tilt the aircraft!)
- Sound package entirely redone in WWise
Long-Eze v1.10 is up at Sim Market. It will show up everywhere else eventually. Here's the list of updates;Version 1.10November 20, 2020- Redone flight model to implement new canard settings- Minor tweaks to engine performance- Minor tweaks to aircraft maneouverability- Increased detail and polycount of several cockpit objects- Retextured cockpit with higher res textures- Fixed miscellaneous animations and mouse areas- Added missing lubber line to compass- Minor improvements to sound package- Miscellaneous fixes in configuration files- Cleaned canopy textures- Replaced library pilot figures with custom models including possibility to remove the pilot figures (beware not to tilt the aircraft!)- Sound package entirely redone in WWise
Thank you! I never get an email upate from Simmarket. downloading now.
The updated flight model flies like a dream! BTW, anyone who might find the trim to be overly sensitive, just go into the Community Folder and to the Long EZ folder and navigate to the Sim Objects folder until you see the flight model config, in that file just go down to the elevator_trim_effectiveness which I set mine to =0.2 (from =1. With different controllers & PC's there may be no need to do this mod but if you do need it, just set it to a lower number and test until you're satisfied with the results.
That is interesting Storm. My trim is OK, but about a 1/4" movement in the stick fore and aft combined results in -1500fpm to +1500fpm descent and climb rates for me. So I'm going to have to dial way down the sensitivity of the elevator (Canard) in this model. Having said that, I'm really enjoying it. On a side note, not related to this model, when I pan in external view while on the ground and then stop panning, it feels like the earth is tilting slightly. It just started recently and it's making me nauseous. I did notice when I shut down tonight, some sort of "Gaming view mode" from my security software (ESET) turned off when I exited. I'll have to investigate further, but whatever it is makes me kind of seasick when I go to external static view on the ground and pan my view. Ken
A new update is out. Per Dino;

With apologies for the second update in just 5 days, I have just released a new version of the LONG-EZ. This is primarily intended to address the feedback from version 1.10 flight model, being difficult to trim (especially at high speeds) and too responsive on the pitch axis. The update will not solve the issue completely but *HOPEFULLY* will mitigate it for many users. But there is a drawback: the aircraft is now a little less tolerant to low-speed errors during take-off and land... and in particular, the canard loses effectiveness below 55 knots quite abruptly so you may want to add a few knots for safety during your first attempts.Also, the trim is WAY less effective now, to allow for a finer control. At around 140 knots, with 50% fuel, about 0.20 nose down trim *should* keep the plane level... but some stick work is still needed.

Version 1.11
November 25th 2020
- Added wing pods: to make them appear, add weight to the Wing Pods station in the fuel and weight settings
- Vastly reduced elevator trim effectiveness following feedback from version 1.10
- Several tweaks to improve the behavior at high speeds
- Reduced rudder effectiveness, especially during takeoff run
- Reduced canopy sound attenuation (considered excessive by some users)
- Added traditional (non-canard) flight model files for users who may prefer those settings (files are in the “backup old flight model” folder)

As usual, the update has been sent to all vendors, including Microsoft.
Is there anything I need to do to update if I purchased from the marketplace or will it auto update at some point?
I think the notifications in the upper right will let you know when it is available. Then I think you go to the Marketplace and have to select it to update. Unless it's MSFS specific from Asobo, I buy everything else elsewhere. In fact, I wish the marketplace would mark items I have installed. I buy all of my Orbx scenery through their App, but the Marketplace doesn't show it as installed. It should be able to at least you have this, just not through the Market Place.