Indiafoxtecho MB-339 now available

Finally back in the air with the hot fix. Unfortunately I seem to have lost the VOR/ILS NAV RADIO flight director functionality in the upgrade. Anyone else?
I shot a greaser ILS into KGSO 23L earlier today in the TBM. Just make sure you don't have any avionics mods in your Community folder and try the same approach again. These major patches keep playing silly games with the community mods.
Just one plane, or all of them?

I looked at it again today. The issue appears to be that the RADIO NAV click spot on the FLT DIR panel is fubar. When I click on it, the toggle switch in the middle fn the weapons control panel to the left moves instead. So, I can't activate the radio nav FD. The HDG button is similarly fubar.

EDIT: This problem has been identified on IndiaEchoFoxtrot's Facebook page. The MFS update broke it. No fix in sight ATM. Thanks to all who checked on my specific issue and confirmed.
Here is a great sound package for the MB-339 which uses the Wwise implementation instead of the Legacy sounds. It is a vast improvement and I highly recommend checking it out. Here is hoping it is updated with a soundai to complete the package.

It includes:

  • Progressive engine sound attenuation when closing canopy.
  • Canopy sound animation.
  • All usables cockpit instruments have now corresponding sound.
  • Rattle, wind, yoke, pedals, flaps, elevator, gear (etc.) sounds.
  • Sound spatialization and reverberation.

Thanks for the heads up! This package works very well. Nice to have the switch clicks, gear, flaps, wind etc. Much more immersive!

I hate to be critical of someone's hard work, but the engine sounds were disappointing to me. Completely lost the character of the MB-339 signature sound.
Formation flying with a buddy over Como and Lugano:







We also managed a formation landing. The experience was amazing. We both shot video but we'll have to process it to see if we can make a nice clip out of it.
For those that purchased this excellent product from SimMarket, an updated version (1.10) is available from the downloads section there. If you purchased from the Marketplace, an update option should appear soon.

Here is the list of updates (From the 1.10 manual):

Version 1.10
Flight model upgrade and miscellaneous fixes and improvements:
- complete remake of the flight model in order to fix Modern flight model instability
and Legacy model compatibility
- adjustments to flap, gears and speed brake cycle time
- improvements to HGU-33 helmet geometry
- added animation to rear pilot figure
- fixed DME not working for Tacan (NAV 2)
- fixed bug preventing correct DME behaviour in some cases
- fixed ADI glideslope indicator not working correctly in some cases
- fixed incorrect behavior of ADI indexer
- fixed miscellaneuos geometry issues
- fixed miscellaneyos geometry smoothing issues
- improved altimeter animations
- fixed bug preventing GSARM to work with VOR/ILS
- cleaned up canopy textures
- WWise sound configuration courtesy of Christophe de Bortoli (Erkin)

Small bump.
This plane became my first payware addon for MSFS yesterday :)
I love it quite a lot, it's a superb experience in VR.

One question though: does it have a canopy defrost ?
Yesterday I made my first flight with it, using real-world weather, in a snowy area. The ice accumulated quite quickly on the borders of the canopy.
The two anti-ice buttons were switched on.
The interior temperature knobs and buttons are not clickable.
How should I proceed ?
Small bump.
This plane became my first payware addon for MSFS yesterday :)
I love it quite a lot, it's a superb experience in VR.

One question though: does it have a canopy defrost ?
Yesterday I made my first flight with it, using real-world weather, in a snowy area. The ice accumulated quite quickly on the borders of the canopy.
The two anti-ice buttons were switched on.
The interior temperature knobs and buttons are not clickable.
How should I proceed ?

Same! With winter here in Canada, cockpit glass frosting is a huge issue.
Posted the question on there discord, quick answer:

IFE Discord Server said:
Use the keyboard command.
It is not possible ti activate is via clickable due to the lack of SDK documentation
From Indiafoxtecho Facebook page:

We have just sent an updated MB-339 to all of the vendors: the new package should be available within 24-48 from all vendors except Microsoft (it will probably take a week or so for them).

This is a quite extensive update which covers a many aspects of the aircraft, including sounds and visuals.

One of the most recurrent complaints on our rendition of the MB-339 was that sounds were not "powerful" enough... we have replaced all the sound effects with better samples and, while they are far from being perfect, they should be better now - at least in the external views. As for the internal sounds, frankly, the new samples sound very similar to the old ones (which is understandable given they were still samples from the same engine).

In the visual department, we trasferred to MSFS some of the improvements we are making for the DCS version. In detail, all external textures have been remastered with additional details.

Then, we have a lot of functional changes to the aircraft systems...which should cover pretty much every comment we have received, except the canopy de-icing (which you still have to do via keyboard) as it is not documented in the SDK.

Here is the full change log:

Version 1.20
Quality of Life improvements:
- remastered all external textures with higher detail
- changed HSI DME last digit animation (now continuous)
- fixed landing gear extraction and damaging speeds
- fixed bug that caused deletion of panel cover if gunsight is removed from A model
- decreased FD vertical bar sensitivity
- changed rule of GS engagement from GS ARM
- improved engine dynamics
- redone Wwise engine sounds, based on real world samples
- fixed minor bug in Tacan/Frequency conversion
- fixed minor bug in RDU display not showing the correct frequencies for COM1 in some case
- added indication of X/Y Tacan channel
- improved cockpit self shadowing
- rear view mirror are now foldable
- added gear warning sound and silencer
- added streamers and covers if the aircraft is parked
- added underwing pylons to A model (add any weight to the relevant load station)
- added external fuel tanks to A model (add at least 51lbs to releval station - cosmetic only)
- fixed VR cockpit collisions
- fixed external light bug introduced by Sim Update 3
- fixed external views HUD
- added g-stain sound
- fixed minor inaccuracies in warning test switch behavior
- fixed minor bug preventing fine adjustment of OBS in some cases
- GPS number keys can now be used to select waypoints (1 to 10)
From Indiafoxtecho Facebook page:

We have just sent an updated MB-339 to all of the vendors: the new package should be available within 24-48 from all vendors except Microsoft (it will probably take a week or so for them).

This is a quite extensive update which covers a many aspects of the aircraft, including sounds and visuals.

One of the most recurrent complaints on our rendition of the MB-339 was that sounds were not "powerful" enough... we have replaced all the sound effects with better samples and, while they are far from being perfect, they should be better now - at least in the external views. As for the internal sounds, frankly, the new samples sound very similar to the old ones (which is understandable given they were still samples from the same engine).

In the visual department, we trasferred to MSFS some of the improvements we are making for the DCS version. In detail, all external textures have been remastered with additional details.

Then, we have a lot of functional changes to the aircraft systems...which should cover pretty much every comment we have received, except the canopy de-icing (which you still have to do via keyboard) as it is not documented in the SDK.

Here is the full change log:

Version 1.20
Quality of Life improvements:
- remastered all external textures with higher detail
- changed HSI DME last digit animation (now continuous)
- fixed landing gear extraction and damaging speeds
- fixed bug that caused deletion of panel cover if gunsight is removed from A model
- decreased FD vertical bar sensitivity
- changed rule of GS engagement from GS ARM
- improved engine dynamics
- redone Wwise engine sounds, based on real world samples
- fixed minor bug in Tacan/Frequency conversion
- fixed minor bug in RDU display not showing the correct frequencies for COM1 in some case
- added indication of X/Y Tacan channel
- improved cockpit self shadowing
- rear view mirror are now foldable
- added gear warning sound and silencer
- added streamers and covers if the aircraft is parked
- added underwing pylons to A model (add any weight to the relevant load station)
- added external fuel tanks to A model (add at least 51lbs to releval station - cosmetic only)
- fixed VR cockpit collisions
- fixed external light bug introduced by Sim Update 3
- fixed external views HUD
- added g-stain sound
- fixed minor inaccuracies in warning test switch behavior
- fixed minor bug preventing fine adjustment of OBS in some cases
- GPS number keys can now be used to select waypoints (1 to 10)


FYI, I do not have work Nav or Landing lights on the visible exterior in the latest update. Anyone else?
Hi DVJ, I just tested out both variants (MB-339A and 'PAN') with the 1.20 update, and the lights all function externally on my end. This was done by starting out 'cold & dark' on the ramp and just making sure that the power was turned on (Shift+M) and turning the light switches on.
Hi DVJ, I just tested out both variants (MB-339A and 'PAN') with the 1.20 update, and the lights all function externally on my end. This was done by starting out 'cold & dark' on the ramp and just making sure that the power was turned on (Shift+M) and turning the light switches on.

I'll give that a try.