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Great looking aircraft.
Question does it have autopilot?
I would guess you have the speedbrake assigned to something on a joystick/HOTAS that needs calibration, maybe? Doesn't happen here.Wonder why after take-off always have speedbrake half deployed. Wonderful work, Dino.
Alt-F4BTW miss that CTRL+C way to close game....
Foggy ride around the Mach Loop:
Made a few wrong turns but survived. Also buzzed a few yachts. Fun meter busted the scales!
Still can't embed videos here...
Does the canopy work? I clicked on the handle and it is animated. However, the canopy didn't open.
I don't have the product, but it seems impossible to get doors etc to open on the default aircraft. Perhaps its still being implemented?!!
Caranado's C-182 and Moody doors work. The doors don't work on the default because someone decided it wasn't cost effective or needed.
Does the canopy work? I clicked on the handle and it is animated. However, the canopy didn't open.