Introducing the Avia 51

Interesting that Nebessar seemed to have a 'trademark' approach to engine mounts. Like the Type 51, the Type 57 wing-mounted engines had a thrustline angled down compared to the center one which seemed to be online with the fuselage ref. line. It's quite noticeable in the "Flight" photo.

Also, when it comes to the 'details' phase Milton, there seems to be a small single eyebrow bump for an intake at the top front of each cowl. Letting my squinty old eyes squint a bit more, it appears to just be a formed bump with an extended induction tube mounted to the engine, not a full "scoop".

Wish there were more pics as the wing fairing looks huge and rather unusual in the first photo (left side view) - indeed like a separate piece grafted on

Yes Sir, I have noticed the same regarding the engine mounts. I do have the wing mounts engine centerline below the wings' leading edge. If pointed pointed downward, I cannot verify that. It is hard to assess without knowing the wing NACA and the degrees of incidence. That looks pretty strong to me.

Yes, I have observed the intake for some time now; I just haven't gotten to it yet. There is also a very strange exhaust port on the far sides of the nacelles, shaped about like a whiskey flask for toting, very wide and narrow, almost flat.

The wing fairings are huge and quite unlike the typical one seen on the DC3 or Connie. But without better pictures, I will be somewhat reserved in that depiction.

I am curious if there are guidelines/rules of thumb for wing mounted engines, especially in these configurations, just how far from the fuselage they should be mounted. What are the deciding factors?

Also looking for input on cabin appointments.
Concerning the passenger area;

I was surprised actually, seeing the work-up for the 156 and 51. I thought the interior to be too extravagant. This comes from viewing the interiors of the Fokker. Of which I believe the same designer as the 51 and 156 was involved in during that era. Looking at the Fokker F7 interiors for those times (and being a more advanced, (I thought) aircraft) they had a less luxurious atmosphere. Then there's the Av57. To me, the interior of what is rendered inside the 51 and 156, would be more fitting in the 57.

That's my 1 1/2 cents worth.

Back to my painting.
Greetings from Cheb! (LKCB)

It's been pretty busy down this end of the Czech Republic, the traffic's hectic...
I'm even unable to access my e-mail!

Quick post to preview the party almost ready for all you fine Gentleman.

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Milton, I'll pass the files over to you as soon as I can access my e-mail.

This post has taken the best part of 1 hour to set-up, I've been googled,
and I'm hopping mad about it!!!​
Wow! Now that puts me back in the 30's era with all that wonderful traffic. :applause: Parking in the fields, surrounded by the hills and almost feels like a fly-in. :)

I am looking forward to this.

That's an idea; maybe we could schedule a flyin every Saturday at 7-Noon. ;-)
Excellent idea Sir...

That's an idea; maybe we could schedule a flyin every Saturday at 7-Noon. ;-)

The fact of the matter is that the locals are so pleased at finally having the Czech Republic's oldest historical airport in fs, they wont be satisfied with less than daily.

So I promised them I'd have a word with the Chief...:)
The fact of the matter is that the locals are so pleased at finally having the Czech Republic's oldest historical airport in fs, they wont be satisfied with less than daily.

So I promised them I'd have a word with the Chief...:)

Charge on my friend; extremely pleased with this one. :applause:
A minor adjustment is needed if possible. The struts are a little out of alignment with the top trim fairing (top, by nacelles)

View attachment 57138

The 51 is coming along nicely. I'm making great progress now, Milton :)
Greetings from Cheb! (LKCB)

Hello Nigel,
Would you give me me a hand with the LKCB scenery? I can't seem to get a translation of the "readme". I have hundreds of add on scenery files in my GW3 install but I can't remember how to do this particular set-up. Where does the "autogen" and "scenery" folder go? I know I have to rename "scenery_fs9" to "scenery and pair with the texture folder, but the other two I am not sure about. Thank you.

Hello John,

Sorry for taking so long, I'm having difficulties with file uploads for this project.

I'll do my best to assist (I don't have Golden Wings scenery, though I think I'll be going for it) : the autogen files (they should be XML) normally go in the main fs 'autogen' folder.
If it is named 'default', I would strongly advise making a back-up of anything you may be replacing!

I never install scenery files in anything but 'scenery addon' folders. This includes traffic too! That way it's far easier to trace and delete anything problematic or simply undesirable. So if the contents of the file you describe as 'scenery' are normal bgl files, make up a new addon scenery folder, suitably named, activate it and check it out. :kilroy:
Thanks, no problem, will take care of it. :wiggle:

Thanks, Sir Milton. I wasn't sure if it could be remedied at this point considering.

My reworking on the repaint (for the most part) is lined up and looking real nice. I'm currently working on the nacelles, texture scale, to match the nose cowl texture. I'm also adding cowl lines, grime, oil and bug splats to try and match the photos somewhat.


I almost forgot.

From front view;

1] The left (bottom) window frame is sinking in the nose skin.
2] The left intake is partially buried in the skin.
got room to squeeze my mossie in there? :icon_lol:

Well...if its approprately painted in prototype yellow, you might just get away with it...
but that would be '41 and the '41 occupants' would greet you with a fair amount of flak - they had an aircraft factory there!

I think you'll find the mid - late thirties crowd far frendlier company for some real nostalgic flying.
fine, i'll bring my Hurri, Hurri is currently at Larissa in case you were wondering Nigel :icon_lol: won't take me long to fly her up....
Thanks, Sir Milton. I wasn't sure if it could be remedied at this point considering.

My reworking on the repaint (for the most part) is lined up and looking real nice. I'm currently working on the nacelles, texture scale, to match the nose cowl texture. I'm also adding cowl lines, grime, oil and bug splats to try and match the photos somewhat.


I almost forgot.

From front view;

1] The left (bottom) window frame is sinking in the nose skin.
2] The left intake is partially buried in the skin.

WOW! That is so beautiful ... amazing what one can do with what you started with. :applause:

Not understanding the 1 and 2 above. Maybe screen shots would help.

Thanks :)
Thanks John. Trail and error. Or is it trial and, one more cocktail :icon_lol:

A little more experimenting going on behind the scenes. The wing nacelles are coming along. They're almost to scale for texture sizes. And you'll notice the shiny strip along the fuse side. ;)

WOW! That is so beautiful ... amazing what one can do with what you started with. :applause:

Not understanding the 1 and 2 above. Maybe screen shots would help.

Thanks :)

Thanks Milton. It's finally starting to grow on me so I can flow with the work. rather than the work flow on me and I get frustrated. LOL!

What I'm meaning by the numbers, load Matts repaint up in the sim and goto "front-view"/"exterior". Then look at the left intake on top of the cowl. It's sunk into it.

And the other. From the same viewing angle "exterior/front". The left side bottom windshield frame is sunk into the nose of the fuselage. ;)
Ah! Okay, will check it out. BTW, loving that lighter strip along the fuselage ... been hoping that would come out. :)

Excellent work OB! :applause:
Avia 57 Update

I know, you guys thought I was kicking back while you did all the heavy lifting. :)

Aside from updates on the Grumman aircraft and the Avia 51 today, I have been working on the Avia 57 all day.

Engines, props, engine face, spinners, nacelles, main gear components from scratch, gear doors, gear animation, flaps, and flight model updates. Lots of progress. Took her out for a flight for a circuit to test and adjust things. Sweetness! I am loving this one too!