Iris F-15, MiG-29 now freeware?

Isra (of recently released Mirage III); did a very nice panel upgrade for the F-5;
and Markus Schindler has done some fine repaints.



Ya don't by chance have a working link to Isra's V2 panel for the F5 ?? Appears he pulled down the V2 because the V3 is due shortly. Not sure I can wait....
Great looking P-40 skin, Markus. Looking forward to it. Just read the a story on the restoration of NZ2009/ZK-RMH. Thanks much. :ernae:

Ya don't by chance have a working link to Isra's V2 panel for the F5 ?? Appears he pulled down the V2 because the V3 is due shortly. Not sure I can wait....

I think I have it at home, if you can wait a few days; but why not ask Isra yourself, he's a member here too y'know...


And the goodies continue...

Andy Nott of AGN textures has released his previously payware EAP texture "superpack" to flight sim. He has also given me permission to upload his F-15C/D "superpack".

Search for ""
Andy Nott of AGN textures has released his previously payware EAP texture "superpack" to flight sim. He has also given me permission to upload his F-15C/D "superpack".

Search for ""

are you in contact with Andy? if yes
Please ask him if he has a paintkit for the Harrier

I think I have it at home, if you can wait a few days; but why not ask Isra yourself, he's a member here too y'know...



Didn't know that..I did get a copy tho. The INS is a real piece of art but I'm having a bit of trouble with it outside of Europe. MUCH more than just eye candy, V3 should keep me busy for months.
Does anyone know if it's possible to change the red HUD-color (VC) of the F-15E into the normal highlighted green?
They claim:
"Wenn ihr uns anschreibt bekommt ihr ein Passwort zugeschickt.
Mit diesen Passwort habt ihr dann die Möglichkeit diese Sachen
zu laden. Achtung: Es sind noch nicht alle Sachen zum Dowload
verfügbar, da wir noch einige davon überarbeiten müssen."

This means that you'll have to send them an email to the address mentioned to obtain a password.
Once the password is received, you may download by using the <click> button.
Not all of the sceneries mentioned are currently available.
They recommend using the Firefox browser to download.

Quite odd way to offer freeware sceneries, isn't it?

I'm having loads of fun with the free stuff from IRIS and Alphasim. I love the EAPs. Can someone tell me how to easily add the ability to use the autopilot with these planes? Like the autopilot button seems to work, and the radios, but you can't toggle the alt, speed, course, and heading values. Or atleast I haven't been able to.

*Edit. I just noticed the F-14 has the option to use the 'default radio panel', which is kinda what i was after. Is there a way to add the ability to use that in the other IRIS planes, or any planes without autopilot?

*Edit 2. After exploring some more i noticed the IFR panel in the EAP, and the buttons for the autopilot work there.
:icon_lol: So everything is OK. Haha, should have read the manual.
I am looking forward to the Phantoms becoming freeware like a kid looking forward to Christmas, Easter and Summer Vacation all rolled into one big weekend. I hope the Phantom is frame rate friendly...the IRIS F-15 and EAP/Typhoon kill my frame rates, the F-5 somewhat but not as bad.
