It is 1968 .....

Scarily Ralf my What If scenario is a quite detailed multi-page Word document; like, for example, the Royal Navy Task Force with the fully modernised HMS Eagle alongside Ark Royal 'dealing' with the Rhodesian Problem.

Hopefully as time goes on I'll be able to put some of it "in game" and will post screen shots here to prove what a hopeless anorak I am - I really must get out more!!
Scarily Ralf my What If scenario is a quite detailed multi-page Word document; like, for example, the Royal Navy Task Force with the fully modernised HMS Eagle alongside Ark Royal 'dealing' with the Rhodesian Problem.

Hopefully as time goes on I'll be able to put some of it "in game" and will post screen shots here to prove what a hopeless anorak I am - I really must get out more!!

Thanks Andy, would'nt be x-mas if i didnt buy myself a present :friendly_wink:

oh, the Virtavia Lightning 3 pack is in there also, been looking for that everywhere also.
cheers ian
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