• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

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    Library How to

JF/AH P-47 Thunderbolt is out!!

Everything I've ever heard/read about the P-47 relates the flying characteristics to being an extremely smooth and stable flying aircraft, essentially the feeling of flying a jet. Pilots transitioning from flying the narrow-track Spitfire to the wide-track P-47 referred to the Thunderbolt as being a much easier aircraft to land - the P-47 is well known for tracking straight all the way down the runway on landing, as if "on rails".

With regard to the "as found/as recovered from the lake" version of Dottie Mae - when it was recovered, the forward ring around the cowling was almost entirely black, with only little remnants of the yellow paint remaining here and there. That black ring of course was part of the initial "ID" markings applied to all 8th and 9th Air Force P-47's (and P-51's) which included painting the forward ring of the cowling black, and adding black stripes/bands to the tail surfaces and wings. These stripes were later overpainted in different colors when the 8th and 9th AF officially adopted unit colors for the various Groups/Squadrons. Also, the red stripes on the tail surfaces of Dottie Mae had been painted yellow earlier on, and then painted red later, thus when the aircraft was recovered you could see areas of the earlier yellow paint poking through areas of the missing red paint, and black paint through areas of both missing yellow and red paint, since all had been applied over each other - black first, then yellow, and finally red.

Such a stunning restoration (no polishing either, just the same factory-new Alclad finish the metal had when new from the factory in 1944 as well). Note the black circle "period" behind the squadron code letters, which is original to the markings and often overlooked in artwork/depictions. That black circle/period is found in the same location on both sides of the aircraft, and it was part of the squadron codes on some of the other P-47's in the same squadron as well - it is thought that it was a way to differentiate between two different aircraft within the same squadron using the same code letters (like how in the 8th AF, they would underline the individual code letter on an aircraft if it had already been used on another aircraft already in use). They were just recently able to acquire a correct Curtiss-Electric propeller unit for the aircraft, the same type as it had originally, which should be installed in the near future - they are about as rare as hen's teeth, and none could be found in serviceable condition throughout the restoration until just last year. The Curtiss propeller unit of course is the type that had the pointy prop hub. Currently the aircraft is fitted with a Hamilton Standard unit, like all of the other currently operational P-47's (the Hamilton Standard prop unit being the only thing throughout the entire aircraft which isn't accurate to the way it was in 1945, besides lacking the original combat repairs/flak patches - which are planned to be replicated/added at some point as well). The aircraft is fitted with a Spitfire mirror, just as it had been while in service during WWII, functioning period radios and turbocharger. Note the darker panels along the bottom of the fuselage and around the turbo exit duct - on the P-47, much of the belly is covered in sheets of stainless steel, rather than aluminum, due to the heat of the turbo and exhaust ducting that internally runs the length of the belly.


BTW, the little yellow decal above the serial number on the tail is actually a Republic "Thunderbolt" trademark, which is original to the aircraft/as applied by Republic - Republic actually trademarked the name - a detail of which that had long been unknown until it was rediscovered on Dottie Mae. There is one of these decals on each side of the tail, replicated exactly as found (different designs left/right).


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Are you going to Oshkosh this year??
I am in the process of completely overhauling my life just to try and make Oshkosh to see "Dottie Mae." It is just an absolute Have-to-See Warbird. The authenticity in this one is mind boggling. I saw John Penney with "Balls Out" there in 2016, and that is a very nice "Jug," but "Dottie Mae" is truly the Belle of the ball. "Sierra Sue II" is another one like that... You walk around them over and over looking at all the little details that just Wow you to death. They keep you coming back to them because they are just that incredible to see.

I think there will be some serious competition for Grand Champion at EAA this year. It is always tough when there are so many amazing restorations there to be judged and only one can be the Grand "Champ." Look at 2015 when you had Yagen's Mosquito, Air Corps' "Sierra Sue II," the Airpower FG-1D and the Muzala P-51B "Berlin Express" all in the running. No way could I have picked a Winner..... Those airplanes all blew my socks off.

Also... have you seen that EAA is getting the Catch-22 "Berlin Express" all painted and ready for the show?? I hope it gets done in time. Reminds me of when you did the "Dumper" and how much fun that project was. Still one of my "Prized" Warbirds that I am forever grateful for!!
Are you going to Oshkosh this year??
I am in the process of completely overhauling my life just to try and make Oshkosh to see "Dottie Mae." It is just an absolute Have-to-See Warbird. The authenticity in this one is mind boggling. I saw John Penney with "Balls Out" there in 2016, and that is a very nice "Jug," but "Dottie Mae" is truly the Belle of the ball. "Sierra Sue II" is another one like that... You walk around them over and over looking at all the little details that just Wow you to death. They keep you coming back to them because they are just that incredible to see.

I think there will be some serious competition for Grand Champion at EAA this year. It is always tough when there are so many amazing restorations there to be judged and only one can be the Grand "Champ." Look at 2015 when you had Yagen's Mosquito, Air Corps' "Sierra Sue II," the Airpower FG-1D and the Muzala P-51B "Berlin Express" all in the running. No way could I have picked a Winner..... Those airplanes all blew my socks off.

Also... have you seen that EAA is getting the Catch-22 "Berlin Express" all painted and ready for the show?? I hope it gets done in time. Reminds me of when you did the "Dumper" and how much fun that project was. Still one of my "Prized" Warbirds that I am forever grateful for!!

hopefully i can make it this time too
WarHorse47: I knew I forgot something. :encouragement:

Yep hit the link for some bonus liveries.



Make sure you have your tetanus shots up to date if you fly the barn find version.
AH will not be held responsible for any injuries or issues if you cut yourself on rusty aircraft bits.

It's a 4th of July bonus for the P-47. Enjoy the day!


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Outstanding job AH. Best of AH output yet (IMO) but I haven't had a chance to try the Bulldog yet... so may get knocked Into 2nd place.:applause:

FYI, A bit of missing texture in the "barn find".



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FYI, A bit of missing texture in the "barn find".


Not sure about that. I took a look and it changes with the view angle suggesting its perhaps related to the way the texture is setup for reflectivity? Not sure.

Only issue I've encountered is that somehow during preflight setup (like removing fuel from the drop tanks), the red recognition light turns on. And there is no way to turn it off other than to reset/reload the aircraft.
Not sure about that. I took a look and it changes with the view angle suggesting its perhaps related to the way the texture is setup for reflectivity? Not sure.

Only issue I've encountered is that somehow during preflight setup (like removing fuel from the drop tanks), the red recognition light turns on. And there is no way to turn it off other than to reset/reload the aircraft.

Well OK. I reloaded the livery and the texture is back. Very strange. Looks normal now. ???


I am curious. One of the screenshots shows the inclusion of COM, NAV, and ADF radios in the cockpit where the gunsight normally sits. Are there associated instruments to go along with them? Perhaps an RMI or whatever? If yes then maybe a screenshot?

Thanks in advance,
So how does it compare to the A2A Jug in system depth and flight model and fps?
Well, you're going to get different experiences with each. I pulled my A2A jug out of the hangar and did a mild comparison and found both to be enjoyable.

The A2A Jug with Accusim is more indepth on system management, so unless you turn off Accusim you spend a lot of time on engine management, etc. With both you still need to manage your mixture as you climb to higher altitude.

I always found the A2A Jug more sensitive and less stable on the flight model. Both flight models are pretty good.

Neither have FPS issues on my system.

With both you have a lot of animations including the adding/removal of fuel tanks and armament. The AH Jug has the lead on that IMO. The AH Jug has the ability to switch, remove or replace the gunsight with basic Nav instruments which you cannot do with the A2A model.

Hope that helps.
Well, you're going to get different experiences with each. I pulled my A2A jug out of the hangar and did a mild comparison and found both to be enjoyable.

The A2A Jug with Accusim is more indepth on system management, so unless you turn off Accusim you spend a lot of time on engine management, etc. With both you still need to manage your mixture as you climb to higher altitude.

I always found the A2A Jug more sensitive and less stable on the flight model. Both flight models are pretty good.

Neither have FPS issues on my system.

With both you have a lot of animations including the adding/removal of fuel tanks and armament. The AH Jug has the lead on that IMO. The AH Jug has the ability to switch, remove or replace the gunsight with basic Nav instruments which you cannot do with the A2A model.

Hope that helps.
yes it does thank you very much!
Thank you JK !!!!
I also hope for a bare-metal brand new bird with only serial numbers