That's fantastic, no, superb!!
I expect you used this photo or similar. One thing just to be aware of that this is the cockpit of the RAF museum at Hendon, London. This aircraft is a modified T10 trainer version of the late 40's early 50's, and so the cockpit has been over painted in a lighter grey colour, with the WWII black beneath. I know the black would become worn, faded and dirty, but would be much darker than that. If you take a closer look you can see the black beneath especially on the control column, window frame edges and seat etc, where the grey has worn off. Just a minor point though.
Really looking forward to this.
That's fantastic, no, superb!!
I expect you used this photo or similar. One thing just to be aware of that this is the cockpit of the RAF museum at Hendon, London. This aircraft is a modified T10 trainer version of the late 40's early 50's, and so the cockpit has been over painted in a lighter grey colour, with the WWII black beneath. I know the black would become worn, faded and dirty, but would be much darker than that. If you take a closer look you can see the black beneath especially on the control column, window frame edges and seat etc, where the grey has worn off. Just a minor point though.
Really looking forward to this.