Just finished a new 2D panel for the Storch..

Another redo... F-86 wide panel

Credit due to Morton for this panel... I just cosmetically adjusted it.
Available via PM.


Me 110 Nachtjaeger panel

Credit due to Mathias Pomeranien for this panel... I just cosmetically adjusted it.
Available via PM.


Fokker D.XXI 2D panel

With the soon to be released model for FSX, here is my version of a 2D panel for this venerable and quaint airplane... As usual, available via PM.
Comments welcome.


New panel for a Halifax or Sterling...

Now that wide panels are so popular...here is my contribution...As usual, available via PM.
Comments welcome.



Just noticed a big mistake... will change the picture ASAP

The glass layer on the instruments was over the throttle box...

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He Uhu Nacht jaeger wide panel...

Here is another you might be interested in Gius...
Its a touch up of Morton's panel...

Macchi 205 Veltro panel

A propos of the recent addition of the CFS2 conversion of RV Veltro...
This is a more faithful version to the actual panel... with the San Gregorio gunsight and the real instruments.


Corrections to the MC 205 panel....

My apologies for the misnaming of the S. Giorgio gunsight. (Don't know why I put S. Gregorio...lol)
I rushed the repaint job a bit and got a wrong gauge. It is now more faithful to my photograph...
Notwithstanding this... the Alpha Oldies panel still does not have the right shape for the cruscotto..
It does not have the right shape or gauge disposition...
the far top right of the cruscotto is just not right... the one I got is from a photograph.... and the
gauge in question (its face now corrected...) is not flush with the panel.. but screwed on top.. (like I have it)
Also... the bottom right should be the way I have it (also from photograph)
Admittedly, my version is NOT EXACTLY the photograph... but it comes much closer to it...


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Glad to see it works for you...

Hi Carlos

Your "Jack" in Piglets J2M3




I wasn't aware of how nice a model Piglet had made...
where can I download it? It sure looks fantastic.. the metal finish.. wow!
Happy New Year and many more...

2D panel and AI texture for Fokker XXXVI...


Danke schoen...
Ich habe die Raiden gefunden in Flightsim.com


Here are the 2D panel and AI texture for the Fokker... (in hopes the aircraft might be made flyable too)


A more accurate Veltro panel...

The original panel I used was an Alpha Oldie... and it was incorrect showing a handle
on the right side of the canopy enclosure... and the photo I used to "accurize" it only showed the panel without cockpit enclosure...
I have come to find out that said handle was another mistake in the original Alpha oldie...
so I corrected it...

To wit:

WW2 Luftwaffe instrumentation...

I am in the process of creating a large set of instrument bezels for Luftwaffe aircraft...
They are suitable for use in the creation of actual gauge bmp parts... or as whole
pictures for inclusion as dummy panel instruments...
Anyone interested can contact me via PM...
Comments welcome..



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Thank you for the kind words...

Carlos, you're a mass producer of panels, and they do look very fine!

I got this thing about 2D panels... I like them more than the virtual cockpits... they give ME more of a sense of
being in the actual aircraft... mind you... virtual cockpits are great for rearwards peripheral vision... but
I find that only those that are produced by SOME with a lot of attention to detail are worth it for me... a lot of others though...
just seem to have the components "glued" into an asymmetrical... unrealistic or exaggerated perspective with the uprights
of the cockpit enclosure looking as thick as 4"X4" construction lumber...

My panel artwork is always available via PM for those who want to "dress up" their stock 2D panels...
Thanks again for the encouragement...

Here's a concise guide to gau enhancing...

This short tutorial shows what can be done with standard gauge artwork...
sometimes they really need it... sometimes they are just fine as they come...
Some of the enhancement can be done on the panel bmp itself...
and using gauges without bezels...(just the faces) one just places the dials in the proper places
avoiding some of those "gauges hanging in the air..." not really being part
of the panel artwork itself... if the panel bmp is convincing... sometimes the look is ruined by
"hanging" bezels with no "visible means of support" so to speak...


Another example of gauge bmp manipulation...

This is the original gauge treatment:


Here is an example of what can be done with the GAUBMP2 program and PSP...

The first one is a dummy gauge to "dress up a panel" and the second is what the bmp part of the .gau gauge would look like :



The "dress up" file has to be added to a panel construction without the grey background (from a layered PSP or PSD file) and
just a little drop shadow to give some sense of volume over the panel plane... (rather than something just "glued in")

If interested... I offer my services to do the manipulating of any gauge for better looks...
or post a detailed step-by-step process so anyone can do it from scratch...

