Just finished a new 2D panel for the Storch..

Transparent lenses for gauges...

Here's a quick tutorial that some might find useful...
Any comments or questions will be gladly attended to...
I think this "treatment" enhances the "reality look" of gauges...


New 2D panel for Fiat CR-42!

Here's a new panel for the Fiat that some might find useful...
Any comments or questions will be gladly attended to...
Available as usual via PM...


Corrections! just noticed...

there was need for a correction on the bracing of the windshield... Sorry...
It is more faithful to the photo now..


there was need for a correction on the bracing of the windshield... Sorry...
It is more faithful to the photo now..



Hi Gaucho,
The view from the CR.42's cockpit is wrong, this is the Real plane, as You can see there are no wires and You omitted "some" bracing....

No problem... I'll fix that...

Hi Gaucho,
The view from the CR.42's cockpit is wrong, this is the Real plane, as You can see there are no wires and You omitted "some" bracing....

View attachment 18227View attachment 18228View attachment 18229View attachment 18230

Thank you...
The braces on the bmp I started with were absolutely TOO big... and not having a pic.. I just corrected the
closer one and didn't realize those in front were also braces.. just need to replace the wires with correct
thickness braces...
Thanks again...
At any rate... the original had the board wrong... ONE PIECE.. and it is a 2-piece affair..

Did you see the corrected panel now????

I think I got it right now... or not???? The braces are correct and in perspective...
My pet peeve with rendered 3D cockpits is that they are exaggerated in vanishing point perspective...
The human eye does not see things that way... sort of like wide-angle lenses... they distort perspective
There is such thing as parallax distortion... When you take a picture of a tall building... parallax makes
it look as though the sides are not perpendicular to the ground... yet they are...
It is called parallax distortion... However, the Broca's area of the of the brain makes corrections and one
does not see it that way... we see with binocular vision... the photographs are monocular... and thus
imperfect... even though if it is purported to be reality... it really isn't...
Notwithstanding, your 3D panels are an excellent starting point... just changing the perspective a bit and
adding some touches like real-looking bolts, etc. (that's the art part)... make possible the creation of some
nice renditions... Of course, they are never a photo...

I try to make my panels emulate what the human eye sees.. NOT A FISHEYE VIEW...
by the way...the shape of the leather covered bumper edge in yours seems different from the photos...
kind of squarish.. (actually trapezoid) it seems the real one was more rounded...
At any rate... like Obama says: it is what it is... lol
Thanks again,

I think I got it right now... or not???? The braces are correct and in perspective...

Hi Gaucho,
You are right, the braces are correct and in perspective, but You simply "lost" FOUR braces that were exactly in front of windscreen, in "fish-eye" view they are masked by windscreen frame (the view is "forced" only for demonstrate the lack of the braces, the real PoV in CR.42 doesn't deform the view).

You are right....

Isn't the Broca's area to do with language, rather than sight?


I had a senior moment I guess... yes indeed you are right...
The cortical area related to vision is in the occipital area... I had the right area in my head...but
the wrong name....lol... I've been out of the practice of anesthesia since 1989!...
and each day I find myself....sometimes... confused in the recall of a lot of things related to
my professional acumen.. like drug names, etc. (I just turned 77... hope it is not CBS (Alzheimer's) or chronic brain syndrome creeping on me... used to be called senility... hahahha)
Just the other day I could not think of the word for something... and my wife... who is a nurse case manager and much younger... had to remind me... I guess I have archived away stuff that I don't really use in my head...
Another funny thing... I could name a drug like glycopyrrolate HCl... but could not think of the commercial name at all...then all of a sudden it came to me (days later)... Ah.. it was Robinul... made by Robbins Pharmaceuticals... doses... etc. very clearly.... It can be frustrating at times... when you are involved in conversations and just can't come out with the right word... Guess I should be glad to at least have lived this long so far.. lol
At least I can drive (just spent about 6 months in Germany driving all over the place... even the center of Paris in my way to Normandy) and not get lost on my way to the grocery store.. lol
Indeed... I see them now...

Hi Gaucho,
You are right, the braces are correct and in perspective, but You simply "lost" FOUR braces that were exactly in front of windscreen, in "fish-eye" view they are masked by windscreen frame (the view is "forced" only for demonstrate the lack of the braces, the real PoV in CR.42 doesn't deform the view).


Thanks again... will get that corrected.. I see them now...
btw.. are they connected to just behind the leading edge of the upper wing?
Hope it is the last thing to correct..
Thanks again...

Back to the future... wide KC-97 panel

A new 2D wide panel for the soon to be released KC-97...
Available as usual...


Here's the panel with weather radar added:

Last edited:
New 2D panel for Macchi 202

Comments, suggestions and corrections welcome (always a WIP)
Available as usual...


New 2D panel for Northrop BT-1

Comments, suggestions and corrections welcome (always a WIP)
Available as usual...


Me 109 2D panel

Comments, suggestions and corrections welcome (always a WIP)
Available as usual...


New 2D panel for Northrop BT-13

Size can be cropped to suit taste (wide panel will not show rudder pedals, etc.)
Comments, suggestions and corrections welcome (always a WIP)
Available as usual...


New 2D panel for Grumman Intruder

Comments, suggestions and corrections welcome (always a WIP)
Available as usual...

