Key (ù) and (I) have no effect! (CFS3 & OFF P3)

  • Thread starter jacques-charles
  • Start date
If the "I" key for the targeting cone is not working, perhaps the "disable targeting cone" option has been checked in csf3Config?

"Ctrl + Shift + I" on English keyboards is for the yellow brackets to identify padlocked airplanes ( I have configured mine to the "B" key, since these planes have no brakes). Perhaps he has not padlocked a plane? To find the next enemy, press "Tab."

"U" on English keyboards (not sure if same as French ù) toggles the metric/imperial measurement for F5 flight instruments. Make sure to press F5 to see the gauges before pressing ù.

Bonne chance, Jacques-Charles!
Sorry! I forgot that I had remapped the brackets function to my "B" key! :redf:
Jacques understood, yes but can you not ADD another key to use? I understand they do not work, but instead add a NEW key to use for that?? Did you press Esc, in game and go into config and add a DIFFERENT key to use?

I have configured other keys for the same function (view locked and indicator enemy), but the result is the same.
I confirm that the radar is operating normally.
Thank you for your assistance :applause:
Hi Jacques

By view locked, do you mean padlock?

If so, did you first target a red dot, by making it yellow with TAB key?
Jacques understood, yes but can you not ADD another key to use? I understand they do not work, but instead add a NEW key to use for that?? Did you press Esc, in game and go into config and add a DIFFERENT key to use?
I have configured other keys for the same function (view locked and indicator enemy), but the result is the same.
I confirm that the radar is operating normally.
Thank you for your assistance :welcome:
Hi Jacques

By view locked, do you mean padlock?

If so, did you first target a red dot, by making it yellow with TAB key?
Yes I usually view locked but the nearest enemy is not surrounded by yellow and it does not appear as a yellow dot in the display tactical
Thank you​
If you speak French, Jacques-Charles, I suggest sending a PM to Below. I believe he lives near Paris. He may be better able to help you, as I believe we are having a bit of a language barrier. (In general, however, I think you write in English quite well).
Yes it's very difficult to follow the thread unfortunately.

jacques I think you have to FIRST, at least ONCE use TAB with the radar viewed, to target at least once on one aircraft ... so 1 craft is now yellow.

Then, AFTER that try your new keys.
Excellent point, Pol. For some reason, I frequently have to hit tab twice before it highlights another plane.

J-C, make sure that your tactical view is up. Press "T" once or twice to make sure airplanes only are shown, then hit tab a few times to make any visable airplane "squares" turn from white (blanc) or red (rouge) to yellow (juane). Of course, there actually have to be enemy planes in your vicinity for this to work. Use quick combat to test this.
If you speak French, Jacques-Charles, I suggest sending a PM to Below. I believe he lives near Paris. He may be better able to help you, as I believe we are having a bit of a language barrier. (In general, however, I think you write in English quite well).

I accept your proposal, my email is:
Thank you in advance :gossip:​
Yes it's very difficult to follow the thread unfortunately.

jacques I think you have to FIRST, at least ONCE use TAB with the radar viewed, to target at least once on one aircraft ... so 1 craft is now yellow.

Then, AFTER that try your new keys.

For me, the "tab" key is operated the machine gun.
I am grateful for the assistance you provided me :applause:

Again, I think we may misunderstand each other. It is generally not a good idea to post your personal email address on a public message board--even a board such as this, with a nice group of decent, respectable people, Gimpyguy excepted! :karate: J/K, Gimpy! :kiss:

What I meant is you should try to send a private message to Below, a member of this forum. He can then send a private message back to you. I am sure he speaks French and can help you out, but he does not post here often. D'accord?
Hey, Hey, Hey I resemble that remark, but do keep your Email off boards as a rule . . . . all kinds of weirdo's prowl . . . .you could wind up sending away for something expensive, without knowing about it.

What passes for Humor with these nutbags, I can't even start to understand
Hey, Hey, Hey I resemble that remark, but do keep your Email off boards as a rule . . . . all kinds of weirdo's prowl . . . .you could wind up sending away for something expensive, without knowing about it.

What passes for Humor with these nutbags, I can't even start to understand


Again, I think we may misunderstand each other. It is generally not a good idea to post your personal email address on a public message board--even a board such as this, with a nice group of decent, respectable people, Gimpyguy excepted! :karate: J/K, Gimpy! :kiss:

What I meant is you should try to send a private message to Below, a member of this forum. He can then send a private message back to you. I am sure he speaks French and can help you out, but he does not post here often. D'accord?

my apologies, I did not correctly translated your text and I am clumsy in the forums.
I can not find "Below" in the members, perhaps there was another speudo?​
Jacques-Charles, je suis tout à fait disposer à essayer de vous aider. :) Nous pouvons communiquer en Français, ça sera sans doute plus simple.
Jacques-Charles, je suis tout à fait disposer à essayer de vous aider. :) Nous pouvons communiquer en Français, ça sera sans doute plus simple.


Tout d'abord merci de votre proposition, voici les 2 pbs rencontrés :
1. mon jeu OFF P3 n'est pas fluide, contrairement à celui de CFS3.
2. je n'arrive pas à utiliser toutes les fonctions de CFS3, à savoir :
- vue verrouillée (touche ù) : appareil ennemi entouré d'une parenthèse jaune.
- indicateur ennemi (touche I) : cône pointant dans sa direction.

précisions : pour faire fonctionner correctement OFF P3 j'ai modifié le choix d'origine dans options regionales et options avancées par "anglais us".Par ailleurs j'ai un clavier "azerty".

Remerciements anticipés
Jacques-Charles and Before.

I am glad that you have managed to contact each other. Let me and the other Yanks and Tommies know when you manage to get squared away.