James "Taffy" Jones
If the "I" key for the targeting cone is not working, perhaps the "disable targeting cone" option has been checked in csf3Config?
"Ctrl + Shift + I" on English keyboards is for the yellow brackets to identify padlocked airplanes ( I have configured mine to the "B" key, since these planes have no brakes). Perhaps he has not padlocked a plane? To find the next enemy, press "Tab."
"U" on English keyboards (not sure if same as French ù) toggles the metric/imperial measurement for F5 flight instruments. Make sure to press F5 to see the gauges before pressing ù.
Bonne chance, Jacques-Charles!
"Ctrl + Shift + I" on English keyboards is for the yellow brackets to identify padlocked airplanes ( I have configured mine to the "B" key, since these planes have no brakes). Perhaps he has not padlocked a plane? To find the next enemy, press "Tab."
"U" on English keyboards (not sure if same as French ù) toggles the metric/imperial measurement for F5 flight instruments. Make sure to press F5 to see the gauges before pressing ù.
Bonne chance, Jacques-Charles!