Thanks. And, whew! Yesterday evening I thought Asobo/MS had really screwed us over. I've invested quite a bit of time in tweaking these port-overs. So it's a relief that this seems to be an easy fix. Of course, for anyone who doesn't read this forum -- well, I pity the fool, as a great man used to say.
This does make me wonder whether some of the funky behavior we observed in some planes we tried to port was already caused by this obsolete stuff in the AIR file. I'll be paying close attention to see if the handling of some of my more marginal planes has improved for the better, relative to before the update. It might be worth revisiting some of my earlier conversion attempts that looked all right, but didn't fly properly.
I don't think it was supercharging. The Vertigo Stearman was one of the broken planes.
Before fixing this, I did have the accidental fun of doing a 700+ knot vertical climb to the edge of space in an Iris P-40E. I reckon I topped out around 100,000 feet or so, could see stars in the black sky. The plane flopped around quite a bit on re-entry, there being not much air to stabilize the plane with. I was in a hurry to try to find a fix, so I didn't take the time to glide down and land, space shuttle style. Maybe later I'll restore the old AIR file and try it.
This does make me wonder whether some of the funky behavior we observed in some planes we tried to port was already caused by this obsolete stuff in the AIR file. I'll be paying close attention to see if the handling of some of my more marginal planes has improved for the better, relative to before the update. It might be worth revisiting some of my earlier conversion attempts that looked all right, but didn't fly properly.
I don't think it was supercharging. The Vertigo Stearman was one of the broken planes.
Before fixing this, I did have the accidental fun of doing a 700+ knot vertical climb to the edge of space in an Iris P-40E. I reckon I topped out around 100,000 feet or so, could see stars in the black sky. The plane flopped around quite a bit on re-entry, there being not much air to stabilize the plane with. I was in a hurry to try to find a fix, so I didn't take the time to glide down and land, space shuttle style. Maybe later I'll restore the old AIR file and try it.