well, I am bit sceptic about the flight dynamics support, but who knows.
ok, some net sources says apart the guns the P.13a could take two X-4 rockets, so here we go, a new Ruhrstahl is done. means its a new, no FirePower or any other whatelse source dependent weapon item for our Lippisch add-on.
still because of the dropable trolley take-off seems to me such start would be highly dangerous with the X-4 loadouts. but hell who cares!
This is why i want to get into flight file design . There is such a need for this. Wish that we could have guided air to air missiles that really work as designed .
well, would be fine to keep the P.13a close to the wiki info, and if god allows, to let it land on a belly.
speed 850 kmh, max speed 1200 kmh
service ceiling 10000 m to catch B-29, combat radius range 1000 km
fuel for 45 min
maybe the Komet rocket fighter physics with 45 min fuel capacity and much lover rate of climb would solve it. the differency is the P.13a is a jet, not a rocket
Very much looking forward to seeing the finished model!
Will the X-4's have a sort of 'proximity fuse'? Where they get within 50-60 feet of the target aircraft and explode with enough force to take it down?
@MajorMagee - I think a best guess would do, since no actual flight data exists(?). Maybe the gear could be raised on take off to accomodate the trolly and then beef up the contact/scrape points for a belly landing.
@wiekniera: ...well, didnt thought about any Schwalbe cockpit overhaul mate arent there available some stock CFS3 vc texture repaints at least?
@FOO FIGHTER: the current X-4 rocket is a same settings like the g_x4.xdp, which Ive found at my stock CFS3 install.
as to the current P.13a add-on a small note, the gmax model yet doesnt have any mesh gear tagged / animated, so the ground contact points setttings at the aircraft.cfg is "hardcoded", I mean unchangable height.
what I could do is to create an retractable invicible gear, which would be at it closed position stage at same height as the airplane skid item is. if that would help somehow.
also, as you maybe noticed from the few latest images, the X-4 pylons are smooth shape - usable as static skid items
well, this birdy is a pure Luft46 "what-if" airplane, comparing to the real, ww2 operationaly active Me 163B Komet. only the woody glider version of the Lippisch flying arrow regulary existed (the DM-1). I am not counting the wind tunel test models.
CFS3 pilots which keeps to play historical missions / aircrafts will just not bother with the P.13 at all, I suppose still it may give to a few poeple some fun, at least. will see...
ok, lets share one of the latest wieknieras ingame sreenshots now:
This is so unusual and different that you can't take your eyes off of it. Its like dogfighting a UFO. You are more awe struck by it's appearance and less concerned about flying it or shooting it down! Probably the same reactiion by allied pilots had it gone into production. The design is so simple but brillantly executed by Borek that it really attracts you to it. Love the effects as well.
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