Lockheed L-18 Project

Lockheed L-18 Question

Milton, I got a few odd pictures of the L-18 by my house, close-up of the nose with the taxi light, side lights under the cockpit, tail lights, and a few others.


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Confessions of a convert; part1

Let's add some nice views and music to this great project.

Video one: starting up the 1,200 hp Wright Cyclone GR1820-G102A or GR1820-G202A or R-1820-87 engines.

Video two: The great shiny bird in her element.

Video three: travelling with the C-60A (in formation with another Lodestar)

((whispering) What do you think of that sound, Nigel? ;) )


((icon: yelling :icon))

Great finds, Maarten!
Never new the C-60 could sound so awesome.
Confessions of a convert; part 2

Fuselage tail redo; much better I think compared to picture above.

I've never hidden my hitherto indifference to the Lodestar.
No prejudice - just an aircraft that never managed to steal my heart.

That was until now...

What have ye done Sir!

What beauty! What mastery of the eye and vertice!

She's an absolute DOLL Milton. :applause::jump::wavey:
Just look at that ROUND, PLUMP girl...


She's a beauty, Milton!

LOL Guys; thanks; we were making some great progress until we ran across some really nice station drawings with more accurate everything. Why do these things show up after the modeling is done. :banghead:

At any rate, started last night redoing the vtail and htail; that work is just now done. Just working on redoing fuselage cockpit, windows and doors, then to get the cockpit windshield area realigned for the umpteenth time, a very complex task pushing lots of vertices around to flatten the windshield glass area. You can see in teh attached how the windows are of about 4-6" depending, the cargo doors a bit more, passenger door close, bathroom window way off. Just hard to find decent 3-views these days it seems. Thanks to Moses03 for finding a few drawings that helped get this more correct.

Anyway, if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right. :) So, no hurry, lots of due diligence at the moment. :running:
Milton - It's wonderful to watch the work progress on the L-18. I've liked the Loadstars ever since, as a kid, I saw a picture of H.H. returning from his '38 around the world flight. Looking forward to this beauty's completion.

Hey thanks guys. Just finished up all the fuselage changes, windows and doors cut, and humpty-dumpty is back together again. Just need to re-animate the doors and some small touchups. Looks okay in FS9.

Having moved the cockpit windows forward a bit, I need to go inside to push cockpit stuff around. Looks like we can better accommodate 14 passengers now in the airline version. :)
With completing the revamping of the fuselage and tail section, part of the task was recutting in the doors and windows shown here in preparation.

Everything reanimated and working shown here in FS. We got lights, plenty lights, and we have 6000 pounds of radios now in inventory. :)

With that done, I have moved to the inside getting ready to properly appoint the cabin as its time to get the revenue stream in focus. :)
Classic Airliner Cabin WIP

Just to let you know I am not sleeping in, here has been the focus this morning. Should get all the cabin amenities done today, then on to the cockpit.
Hey Milton,

This project is looking great! Can't wait to see it in my sim. I really appreciate the hours and hours you pour into these.

Looking for Primary Texture Artist for Lodestar Project

Since Nigel is busy with several projects textures and sounds, I am open for a quality primary texture artist to do the Lodestar civilian and military exterior and interior textures. Included must be a paint kit.

I am thinking that 3 civvie L-18 and max 2 military C-56/57/59/60A textures for the project release.

I expect to have all the mapping done before end of March, or about 3-4 weeks.

For Civvie liveries, most have some bare metal work mixed with the paint so that may be a challenge.

Thinking about Continental, Trans-Canada, South African Airways, National, Canadian Pacific, Alaska Star, Trans-Australia, Swedair, Panair Do Brazil, SA, Pacific Alaska, and United Airlines Speedliner as some possibilities to select from.

Interested? PM me please.


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I think it's hilarious that the last two seats are narrower to fit in the fuselage. Well played, Lockheed. Well played.

And I'd love to volunteer for the primary painter position, but I am not nearly confident enough in my bare metal-fu to take on that challenge.