Luftwaffe RF-4F Phantom coming up!

What will be the next Markus ;-)

This one here, buddy:


AG52's 35+18 in its 1979 experimental scheme.

Lots of fiddling on the camo chips still to be done...

How good can an ugly paintscheme get...? I'm not surprised that this was experimental.
Nice work Markus!
Some very interesting footage there, Quax.
Nice find!

I was a little surprised to see a UNIMOG at Goose Bay as a tug - don't suppose it got ferried too via Lossiemouth > Keflavik > Søndrestrøm...
But it seems like the stock smoke effects don't do justice to those smoky J79s: They certainly need a bigger carbon footprint! Think I have to browse my effects folder to get some more adequate smoke trails...

Yep - I think this is better now:



Effect file SMOKE_JT8D.fx comes with the Vistaliners 727, aircraft.cfg entry goes like this:

smoke.0 = -0.80, -19.00, -2.25, SMOKE_JT8D
smoke.1 = -0.80, -19.00, 2.25, SMOKE_JT8D
smoke.2 = -0.81, -19.00, -2.26, SMOKE_JT8D
smoke.3 = -0.81, -19.00, 2.26, SMOKE_JT8D

Effects are duplicated (and a tad shifted) to achieve more density. Adding more duplicats will make it even more dense!
Really loving these repaints Markus, great tip for the smoke system also, there's always something new to learn in this sim.
thanks very much, ian
Actually one of the major advantages of the German F4 re-engine program was that it did not have anywhere near as big a smoke trail as the regular US versions. And more power and less fuel consumption.

During his missions in Vietnam the pilot at McClellan told me their procedure was to run one engine in the first stage of the afterburners to get rid of their tell-tale smoke trails.
Of course with a reduction in range/time on station but better than getting detected visually and shot at :jump:

Finally ... nearly done!

Fine-adjusting those camo chips turned out to be a real PITA (the sometimes quite odd mapping actually didn't make things much easier...), but this strange scheme now is almost ready to get launched:








Now I just have to look for the actual serial of 35+18 (shown on the tailfin, below the flag) and get this baby packed.

This is a Bundesluftwaffe scheme I have never known of until now ... I actually like it. Well done Markus ! Mike :ernae:
Thanks, Mike!
This was an experimental scheme (applied in 1979) and apparently, 35+18 didn't wear it for long. These tests resulted in a camo pattern called "Norm 81".

Meanwhile, I fiddled some more with the smoke trails and tested this one here:

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Boeing 727-200 With Custom Panel and Active Engine Smoke Effect [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]File Description:[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]This is a modififation of the FFX B727-200. Modified airfile and flight dynamics. Includes custom panel using default FS2004 gauges and my "Active Smoke" XML effect. Jetsmoke is linked to the throttle so no more need for the "I" key. Textures re-compressed using my "blurry free" method. All credits are listed in the README file as well as install instructions. All files included! FS2004 ONLY! [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Filename:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]License:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Freeware, limited distribution[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Added:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]24th October 2003[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Downloads:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]6282[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Author:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Keith Giveans[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Size:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]3629kb[/FONT]

Works great!


Aircraft.cfg values go like this:

smoke.0 = -0.90, -15.00, -2.75, fx_smoke_jet
smoke.1 = -0.80, -15.00, 2.75, fx_smoke_jet
smoke.2 = -0.91, -15.00, -2.76, fx_smoke_jet
smoke.3 = -0.91, -15.00, 2.76, fx_smoke_jet
smoke.4 = -0.89, -15.00, -2.77, fx_smoke_jet
smoke.5 = -0.89, -15.00, 2.77, fx_smoke_jet

That's it!

Uploads to SOH and Flightsim proceeded.

The new AVSIM library currently refuses to log me in - seems like they still have to sort some things out...

Fine work.

I don't want this to be a thread hi-jack, but does anyone know if you can use the triple tank load out model in Pack 3 with any of the Pack 1 USN repaints? I suspect the texture mapping is different and the answer is "no" but just in case I thought I would ask here among the experts.

The Pack 1 load outs don' have the triple or even double tanks; the only one with a single center tank has bombs. Also, is there a way to make part of the load outs "disappear" e..g by playing with the Alpha values? Suspect the answer may be "no" here as the model seems to be a reflective rather than a transparent model.

Congrats on the great repaint.


you can use Pack 1 skins on Pack 2 models which have a 2 Tank config and no weps but that's as good as I've been able to find so far. Be careful with to note the afterburner type (for me the easiest way to tell) for B/N vs. J/S versions. I have the same wish list as you but I also suspect you are correct in your assessments.

Hope to have some new USN and USMC repaints if I can ever complete my updated paintkit for pack 1. Mapping and panel lines are proving to be troublesome.

Now, back on topic.

Markus, you've cranked out another masterful paint job, albeit one that only a mother could love! However, I have definately found space for it in my F-4 Hangar! :salute:

Thanks (again) guys!

... albeit one that only a mother could love!

Yep - this scheme is quite odd ... or should I say "phunny"?
One guy over at already declared it to the most beautiful pattern ever worn by a German Rhino, so it's obviously just a matter of taste... :wiggle:

During my research on this scheme, I've found out that it never was intended to represent a final state of pattern: All in all, three RF-4E of AG 52 (35+18, 35+20 and 35+36) partially were painted with different schemes, each of which meant to examine camouflaging effects in specific areas (upper, lower, side view).
This 35+18 with its grey sides obviously wasn't intended to vanish in front of a grey background if observed from left or right side.
This also explains the green/grey camoed bottom: I guess this aircraft shouldn't be flown upside down, but maybe they've painted it this way to see how this camo appears in steep turns.

Having a soft spot for oddballs myself, I'm very glad that Hans-Juergen of has pointed me to this variant!

Hey Markus,

I can appreciate your interest in odd balls. I too have a soft spot for the oft "unloved" one of a kinds and odd balls of a sort. After all, when one of your favorite aircraft is the oft maligned insect bug-eyed looking OV-1 Mohawk, well maybe it demonstrates the "takes one to know one" point of view! :icon_lol:

In any event, great work. Keep 'em coming...please! :ernae:
