Martin Marauder Gold for FS9 has been released

Here we have the very first Marauder. The B-26 was ordered into production from the drawing board and there was no prototype; 40-1361 was the first pre-production example. It first flew with no markings except the national insignia (the rudder stripes were part of the national insignia in those days) and without its turret or any other armament. Note the stars in four wing positions and absent from the fuselage; all subsequent Marauders would be marked to a later standard, with two wing stars and fuselage stars. Later 40-1361 would fly with a dummy turret shape, and eventually it was brought up to production standards

I was able to paint this skin because we now have the JM models without turrets or other armament. If you like sleek and shiny, this is the Marauder for you!

Ahhh, well done Sir! :applause:
OK, one more

One more and that will probably be all the skins I paint. I've gone through my references and found as many as I could that are within my capabilities. That means planes with no complex nose art that I can't find a good image of, and planes with a lot of wear and tear and weathering. If it wasn't for Steve Bryant's paint kit I couldn't have done nearly as many. I know I picked the low hanging fruit, but I did what I felt I could do well. In the words of a great American philosopher, "A man's got to know his limitations."

This means that here are a lot of great Marauders waiting to be painted by those with more skill than I have for artwork and weathering. I sure hope someone, or several someones, will come along and go to it.

Anyway, this is the skin I just uploaded.

B-26G of the 585th Bomb Squadron, 394th Bomb Group, 9th U.S. Army Air Force, Cambrai/Niergnives, France, fall 1944. It has its upper surfaces painted in what appears to be RAF Forest Green.
One more and that will probably be all the skins I paint. I've gone through my references and found as many as I could that are within my capabilities. That means planes with no complex nose art that I can't find a good image of, and planes with a lot of wear and tear and weathering. If it wasn't for Steve Bryant's paint kit I couldn't have done nearly as many. I know I picked the low hanging fruit, but I did what I felt I could do well. In the words of a great American philosopher, "A man's got to know his limitations."

This means that here are a lot of great Marauders waiting to be painted by those with more skill than I have for artwork and weathering. I sure hope someone, or several someones, will come along and go to it.

Anyway, this is the skin I just uploaded.

B-26G of the 585th Bomb Squadron, 394th Bomb Group, 9th U.S. Army Air Force, Cambrai/Niergnives, France, fall 1944. It has its upper surfaces painted in what appears to be RAF Forest Green.

Ahhhh, well done Sir! I like it! :applause:
Thank you Mick for your works on this fine bird.I feel you have gone above and beyond the call of duty and I don't blame you one bit for stopping there.I salute you!
PS: You did do the paint scheme for my "dream Marauder" so of course I'm not going to complain! :biggrin-new:

Well, I thought I'd gotten my fill pf painting Marauders, but I didn't have one with invasion stripes. Most all the pics I've seen of Marauders with invasion stripes show planes with lot of wear and tear and weathering, usually with nose art that's as beyond my painting skills as realistic weathering. So I figured I'd leave those alone and hope that someone with more skill and talent would come along and paint those great looking combat veterans.

I knew that those beat-up planes started out new and clean, but who knows what they looked like then, or at what point in their combat tours they acquired those interesting and colorful markings and artwork? So I let them be.

But that left me without a Maruder with invasion stripes, and it was gnawin' at me!

I found a picture of a Marauder with invasion stripes that shows no wear and tear, has no nose art, and must have been new just in tie for D-Day and it's associated stripes. So here it is.

This nearly new B-26C belonged to the 555th Bomb Squadron, 386th Bomb Group, 9th U.S. Army Air Force, based at Boxted, UK in June, 1944.

I still wish I could paint realistic weathering, and I still hope someone more talented will paint some skins like that, but now I have at least one Marauder with invasion stripes, so it's not gnawin' at me anymore.
Thanks for painting the 573rd Bomb Squadron skin. Very nice.

You're very welcome! I'm glad you like it.

I hope some others will start painting the Marauder. I've painted quite a few skins for it, but there are plenty more waiting to be done.
You're very welcome! I'm glad you like it.

I hope some others will start painting the Marauder. I've painted quite a few skins for it, but there are plenty more waiting to be done.

Thank you Mick :applause:

I suspect we'll see more FS9 activity once we get the interior textures done and get the Marauder officially released.

Wellis is working on them now. :)
Just wondering how this project is going?

JJ, Wellis can answer more accurately than I can. But, a short answer is: working on it every day. Focus is in the cockpit first; making good progress on the cockpit panel and ECU. Looking very nice but still early in the process.
Just wondering how this project is going?

JJ, Milton's answer is on the money. As he noted I am working on it every day and it would be foolish of me to give you a specific time frame. The panel and ecu are the focus at the moment and it has been time-consuming adding all the placards, text and other eye candy, mostly because there is a lot of research and digging around on the web to do to figure out what some of the placards/labeling actually says. I expect it to move more quickly once the ECU is done, which will be soon now. I'll post some screen shots when that happens. :)
Thank you Milton and Wellis. I appreciate the hard work you do to build and paint these fine models for FS2004.

Best Regards,
Thanks for the reply wellis! I was hoping this one hadn't died on the vine. Thanks for your work and everyone involved in this project. You guys make simming fun......
Just a brief update:

1) progress is being made in the cockpit - it's just a slow and labour intense process. Patience will be rewarded.

2) On the FSX side, Ferondoe is also producing interior textures and looking sweet. Not sure at the moment if they are compatible with the FS9 side but the mapping is the same, so good likelihood.

So, looks like we will have at least two sets of interior textures to choose from and that will provide some nice variety for different liveries.
FS9 B-26 Marauder update:

Ferondoe has completed the interior textures (a massive effort) and Wellis has completed the cockpit panel and ECU. Mick has graciously allowed us to use some of his textures so we can beta this package.

I hope to have an FS9 beta out this weekend (minus the new fuel gauge by Pierre).

Thanks so much for all the efforts of these Gentlemen to bring this to fruition.

I will post the beta release right here.

Thanks for your patience.


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...and a few more shots ...


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I have enjoyed the current release.Oh I'm sooooo looking forward to this!!!:jump: The Martin 26 suits me to a T!
The FS9 Beta v1.3 for the B-26 Marauder has been posted.

The package features the B-26B/C and the JM-x models.

Thanks to Mick for allowing use of some of his paints for the beta.

You can find more B-26 paints from Mick here:

Thanks to Ferondoe and Wellis for the interior paints, ECU and panels.

Thanks to Nigel for the R-2800 sounds.

EDIT: This is a Beta release. The fuel gauge is not included as I have not yet received it.
The 2D panel is very basic; the lower console although partially showing is not functional; I have no panel/gauge programmer.

Download link:


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The FS9 Beta v1.3 for the B-26 Marauder has been posted.

The package features the B-26B/C and the JM-x models.

Thanks to Mick for allowing use of some of his paints for the beta.

You can find more B-26 paints from Mick here:

Thanks to Ferondoe and Wellis for the interior paints, ECU and panels.

Thanks to Nigel for the R-2800 sounds.

Download link:

Magnificent treat, Milton - downloading now to feast the senses (what's left of them)! :jump:
My thanks to Milton, et al., for yet another magnificent contribution to the fs9 community. I know this question has undoubtedly come up before, but I am unsure of the ground steering on the Marauder. Is it done with just the brake pedals? It appears that the nose wheel is fixed, but I recall seeing screenshots with the nose wheel turned, so it got me wondering if there is a switchable lock on the steering. Changing the values in the aircraft config file does not seem to alter the nose gear movement.

On a more general question, there are apparently A-26's and B-26's; and Milton has beautifully modeled both. They look to be completely different aircraft, yet the nomenclature overlaps considerably. The A and B designations indicate "attack" and 'bomber" functionality, but how much overlap is there between these aircraft and why did they not just have have completely separate designations?