My thanks to Milton, et al., for yet another magnificent contribution to the fs9 community. I know this question has undoubtedly come up before, but I am unsure of the ground steering on the Marauder. Is it done with just the brake pedals? It appears that the nose wheel is fixed, but I recall seeing screenshots with the nose wheel turned, so it got me wondering if there is a switchable lock on the steering. Changing the values in the aircraft config file does not seem to alter the nose gear movement.
On a more general question, there are apparently A-26's and B-26's; and Milton has beautifully modeled both. They look to be completely different aircraft, yet the nomenclature overlaps considerably. The A and B designations indicate "attack" and 'bomber" functionality, but how much overlap is there between these aircraft and why did they not just have have completely separate designations?
Nose gear is set up to be castoring as with the RW models, and steering was but engine differentiation and brakes when required.
If you do not have pedals or a separate throttlle quadrant, you can change the aircraft.cfg contact point.0 as follows:
From this:
point.0= 1, 17.091, 0.000, -8.284, 1800, 0, 1.375, 180.00, 0.393, 2.500, 0.900, 5.000, 6.000, 0, 150.3, 236.4 // castoring
To this:
point.0= 1, 17.091, 0.000, -8.284, 1800, 0, 1.375, 040.00, 0.393, 2.500, 0.900, 5.000, 6.000, 0, 150.3, 236.4 // will allow steering with rudder inputs
As for the model types. I have modeled likenesses of the B/C-5 to the -55 and very loosely, the JM as seen in the attachment.
As to the A-26B/C Invader versus the B-26 Marauder, completely different aircraft. The A-26 was developed later and after the Marauder was discontinued, the A-26 with time and role modifications, used the B26 nomenclature.