Good morning Allen
concerning "yellow 27" I' m a bit astonished about ASIBIZ
they call the bird "white 27" ex BJ+DZ but when you compare the white color on the cross
and the color of the number 27, it is clearly darker than the cross, so I tend to say that it is not a WHITE but perhaps yellow
27. On the otherhand I know MeierMotors very accurate when restauring birds, so if they have choosen to make her as yellew
27 this might be right.
I now the site of ASISBIZ.
Really very usefull, but there was also some times in the past where I remarked the comments not always to be exact.
I will certainly not blame them! It is really difficult to find the right colors from a black and white photo and with the
multitude of info they have sometimes there are an "oups"
Concerning the wooden tails when someone writes that the german industry did not want to make wooden parts of the plane it was NOT for strategic reason as the germans had enough material, sorry that is nonsense. Germany had a very big problem to have enough alloy.
So Kurt Tank had to try to use steel for the wings of the TA152. They tried out to make also wooden wings and tails for the Me-262.
Best known are also the wooden wings of the He 162. A reason also was that the wooden parts could be done by little factories with a non specialized workmansship you need for metal working.
The tail basis of the 109 in fact allowed to fit the little early fin and rudder than also the later tall fin and rudder.
Fin and rudder could be made of wood but also the complete tail.
In his first edition Albert Speer mention to use no more " strategic" materials but more use wood what was more disponible.
So on their trucks later apeared the "Eineitsführerhaus", easy to build, standard and made of wood. And last not least one need big tools and a lot of energy to work steel and especially alloy rather more than wood.
Germanys resources have been at the end when finally the third reich collapsed - mainly also due to the shortage of carburants they litteraly flyied "with the vapours of fuel"
Best Regards
Michael Vader