Charter Member
Mike's return to sim aircraft development.
Hi Good people - the cat is now out of the bag and now you all know that Mike's back developing aircraft again for the Flight Sim Community.
Those that know Mike and his aircraft development methodology will know that he develops them as cleanly as possible with the aim that they will work in just about any environment. Therefore NO VC, often no Sounds (aliased to others wherever possible) and definately no bling and always frugal textures.
He graciously put this girl in the pot for development for a project need that I have and has hit the mark beautifully with a basic aircraft that will accommodate some seriously detailed textures and enable the aircraft to be used for buckets of AI work with little impact on the systems using it.
To Mike's credit he, for the first time ever, allowed me to accompany his release of this aircraft with a few fun textures and a detailed master set of the repaint blanks that I created.
I am glad that the majority seem to enjoy Mike's creations but a little disappointed that there is already nit pickers popping up - IT IS FREEWARE created over hundreds of hours of development, research and misc other tasks and passed on to the community without any obligations or expectations from the end user other than to either enjoy or discard/disregard - their choice.
If you like the model then enjoy it - if you don't like the FREE release textures then create your own. Whatever happened to "if you can't or don't appreciate a gift then just accept it gracefully and at least accept the graciousness that it was offered to you for FREE"
How can people be fussy when something is given to them for FREE? It strikes me like someone saying "thanks for the free money but I don't like or want it because some of the $20 notes are torn or dirty"
I appreciate that critiques are of value but jumping on a public forum and having a whine is not a critique - Mike has an e-mail address publicly declared and that is the media that should be used to address genuine concerns or bugs.
Sorry for getting on my soapbox - but nice to see that some appreciate this gift from Mike and I hope they enjoy the fruits of Mike's labours for our entertainment and enjoyment.
Regards and happy simming to all.
Hi Good people - the cat is now out of the bag and now you all know that Mike's back developing aircraft again for the Flight Sim Community.
Those that know Mike and his aircraft development methodology will know that he develops them as cleanly as possible with the aim that they will work in just about any environment. Therefore NO VC, often no Sounds (aliased to others wherever possible) and definately no bling and always frugal textures.
He graciously put this girl in the pot for development for a project need that I have and has hit the mark beautifully with a basic aircraft that will accommodate some seriously detailed textures and enable the aircraft to be used for buckets of AI work with little impact on the systems using it.
To Mike's credit he, for the first time ever, allowed me to accompany his release of this aircraft with a few fun textures and a detailed master set of the repaint blanks that I created.
I am glad that the majority seem to enjoy Mike's creations but a little disappointed that there is already nit pickers popping up - IT IS FREEWARE created over hundreds of hours of development, research and misc other tasks and passed on to the community without any obligations or expectations from the end user other than to either enjoy or discard/disregard - their choice.
If you like the model then enjoy it - if you don't like the FREE release textures then create your own. Whatever happened to "if you can't or don't appreciate a gift then just accept it gracefully and at least accept the graciousness that it was offered to you for FREE"
How can people be fussy when something is given to them for FREE? It strikes me like someone saying "thanks for the free money but I don't like or want it because some of the $20 notes are torn or dirty"
I appreciate that critiques are of value but jumping on a public forum and having a whine is not a critique - Mike has an e-mail address publicly declared and that is the media that should be used to address genuine concerns or bugs.
Sorry for getting on my soapbox - but nice to see that some appreciate this gift from Mike and I hope they enjoy the fruits of Mike's labours for our entertainment and enjoyment.
Regards and happy simming to all.