Milviz F-15 and P3D v3 :)

Please understand that you will probably not be able to get the latest version of the F-15 from Flight1. Flight1 is not involved with MilViz anymore.

This is why I was asking you if you ever received any emails from Not Flight1.
You should have received some emails from them. As I wrote earlier in this topic, I had also bought my Stuka from Flight1. But then, I received some emails from the new Milviz selling platform, which is, with updated links to download the latest versions of my Milviz planes. And these links were on the sendowl domain, not flight1.
Ok, let me show you a concrete example with the MilViz Stuka.
As you can see in the screenshot below, this is the original email from Flight1 about my original purchase, back in 2013. I have masked the sensible information, of course :p
Anyways, I suppose you have received a similar email, right ?


Then, much later, in February 2015, I received that other email, with a new link.
I expect you have also received such an email.


As you can see, the expeditor is not the same, and the download link is not pointing to Flight1 either.
Sorry, i couldn't use the F-15 as an example, because at that time, I got mine from Justflight, so it's not a valid example.
The Stuka I bought in the same way as you, so it should be a good comparison.
Yeah, be warned that Milviz doesn't provide the same level of support for their planes if purchased from a third-party website. Found this out when I couldn't get the P-38 upgrade. I had been a huge fan of their planes, but alas purchased most of their library from other retailers not knowing that made me a second-class customer.

So definitely buy directly from Milviz or you may get an old version, and you're unlikely to get upgrade support from them.
Is anybody else using the F-15 in P3Dv3 ?
I'm getting a weird asymmetrical thrust power... both my engines are on and both throttles advance at the same time, but when I increase the throttle, the plane turns (rudder) left. It's especially annoying upon takeoff or landing :/
On the ENG screen in the MFD, both engines run at the exact same parameters.
Hi Daube

Personnaly was unable to get engines first though because I have an early version.

Asked Milviz Colin Pearson from Milviz about using F-15 on P3D v 3 and he answered "Hi,The MV F-15e will not work in P3D v anything as it requires certain code that is not in those. Neither will it work in FSXSteam. Sorry".

So I quited trying to use it on P3.
When I asked Mr. Pearson if possible to get latest version for FSX, adding a purchase proof, he didn't had the consideration answering a mere yes, no, or unable to do so. Will never ask Milviz again for whatever reason, you know what I mean.

Best wishes

To be eligible for getting the latest versions of any product directly from us, you have to have bought it from any of the following: JustFlight (as we are no longer working with them), Flight 1 and our own site.

When Colin answers emails he can be, as in real life, difficult. Especially when dealing with others. I know as I am married to him for the past 8 years. He makes good airplanes and helicopters and the team he runs seems to like him a lot. But dealing with clients and being diplomatic and tactful is, sadly, beyond him.

So, please, take his responses with a grain of salt. He isn't meaning to be rude or difficult. It really is the way he is. Even with me.

If you're not sure that you have the latest from any vendor, contact that vendor and ask. We try hard to make sure that all vendors have the latest products.

Thank you.


To be eligible for getting the latest versions of any product directly from us, you have to have bought it from any of the following: JustFlight (as we are no longer working with them), Flight 1 and our own site.

When Colin answers emails he can be, as in real life, difficult. Especially when dealing with others. I know as I am married to him for the past 8 years. He makes good airplanes and helicopters and the team he runs seems to like him a lot. But dealing with clients and being diplomatic and tactful is, sadly, beyond him.

So, please, take his responses with a grain of salt. He isn't meaning to be rude or difficult. It really is the way he is. Even with me.

If you're not sure that you have the latest from any vendor, contact that vendor and ask. We try hard to make sure that all vendors have the latest products.

Thank you.

Tried to get latest version of Milviz F-15 (Daube says he owns When I asked Mr. Pearson if compatible with P3d V3 he answered no, ok with me, bought it for FSX. Then and since I knew there's a new last version, emailed him once more requesting how to get it ,for FSX with an attached file "proof of purchase" from Flight One (attached) And this because when I requested it from vendor:

You need to get this from the Milviz website,
Jeff Smith
Flight One Software

So I asked Milviz and for this request, got no answer from Mr Pearson. With all due respect , and I undesrtand what you mean, if Mr Pearson has you say, difficulties when dealing with clients so any other person must assume the job. Not going to keep discussing this matter so I'll keep my older version of F-15 (excellent) for FSX. F-86 looks very good on P3D v3.



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I have a bunch of Milviz stuff I bought for FSX that I dearly wish would work in P3Dv3, but it still appears to be a very 'grey' area for them, which I find really surprising.
I have a bunch of Milviz stuff I bought for FSX that I dearly wish would work in P3Dv3, but it still appears to be a very 'grey' area for them, which I find really surprising.

We are working hard to update everything in our hanger to work with P3Dv3, but honestly for some of the advanced aircraft it will take awhile since L-M have made some rather major changes that we have to re-work some things to accommodate. :encouragement:
Just to confirm, the Baron B55, in its latest version (which had a double installer for FSX and P3D) works and displays well in P3Dv3.
The popup panel for chocks/props/pitot display works well also.
The only strange thing I saw was the fuel flow gauge that was showing very high values (impossible to keep in the green for me), but it might just be because of my short flight at low altitude, i don't know...
Small update:
In P3Dv3.0, the Milviz F-15 was suffering from a strange asymetrical engine trust which was pushing the plane noze to the left upon increasing engines throttles.
In P3Dv3.1, it seems this bug is gone :applause: The F-15 now flies normally. I haven't spotted any bugs so far. Of course, the weapons still don't work, you can only show them on the plane (load manager is fine) which is enough for me at the moment.