Please understand that you will probably not be able to get the latest version of the F-15 from Flight1. Flight1 is not involved with MilViz anymore.
This is why I was asking you if you ever received any emails from sendowl.com. Not Flight1.
You should have received some emails from them. As I wrote earlier in this topic, I had also bought my Stuka from Flight1. But then, I received some emails from the new Milviz selling platform, which is sendowl.com, with updated links to download the latest versions of my Milviz planes. And these links were on the sendowl domain, not flight1.
This is why I was asking you if you ever received any emails from sendowl.com. Not Flight1.
You should have received some emails from them. As I wrote earlier in this topic, I had also bought my Stuka from Flight1. But then, I received some emails from the new Milviz selling platform, which is sendowl.com, with updated links to download the latest versions of my Milviz planes. And these links were on the sendowl domain, not flight1.