Milviz Phantom F-4E (ADV) - hard to fly....

Milviz Phantom

Hi Guys,I am a retired real world Naval Aviator with 2000+ hours. I too experienced this with my Milviz Phantoms. I am used to trimming the bird automatically and always use appropriate fuel levels, but none-the-less, I always experienced a "roller coaster". Talking with Milviz did not prove satisfactory. My friend Frank had the exact same experience. I assure you that it is (probably) not you, but is the FDE that has been provided. Unfortunately it can not be modified by you to correct this situation. I gave up and flew a different airplane. This (IMHO) is the same with all the Milviz ADV aircraft.Bill
Hi Guys,I am a retired real world Naval Aviator with 2000+ hours. I too experienced this with my Milviz Phantoms. I am used to trimming the bird automatically and always use appropriate fuel levels, but none-the-less, I always experienced a "roller coaster". Talking with Milviz did not prove satisfactory. My friend Frank had the exact same experience. I assure you that it is (probably) not you, but is the FDE that has been provided. Unfortunately it can not be modified by you to correct this situation. I gave up and flew a different airplane. This (IMHO) is the same with all the Milviz ADV aircraft.Bill
I was a USN career aviator, lucky enough to go to TPS, flew all kinds of stuff including the F-4J. I thought it was one of the best Navy carrier planes in the approach configuration and generally handled well. Unfortunately a lot of FS airplanes have some unrealistic general handling properties, and turbine engine characteristics of thrust vs N1 - N2 - EPR - fuel flow are a crap shoot.

Over the years I have modified handling successfully through the [flight_tuning] section in the aircraft.cfg file. In the case of pitch sensitivity, the pitch_stability = x.x line often fixes some annoyances. Personally I incrementally change it as so (only an example: - I do not have the MilViz F-4)

pitch_stability =1.255//1.25//1.1// 1.0, etc.

The "//" allows only the first number to be executed but allows you to remember previous settings you attempted. resetting the aircraft will execute the new factor. You may find the need for some tweaking of pitch trim line as well after a stab sensitivity modification

This will often work with most parameters in the [flight_tuning] section. When you save the updated file MAKE SURE it was saved as Type "all files", not with a txt extension