As many know, Beat "Isra" Schaffner has been working on a Swiss Air Force Mirage IIIS
for FS2004. The airframe is based on the Mirage III by Warwick "Wossa" Carter and has
been extensively reworked to include the external differences of the Mirage IIIS. The
cockpit has also been reworked to look and work like the very unique (and green) cockpit
of the Mirage IIIS.
The aircraft is still under development but a "Beta Release" is being offered at this
time. Please send your feedback to Isra. His email is in the readme file. The manual
isn't finished yet so don't ask. Just go explore and report back.
Download from here: http://www.mirage4fs.com/ (please go through the front door)
for FS2004. The airframe is based on the Mirage III by Warwick "Wossa" Carter and has
been extensively reworked to include the external differences of the Mirage IIIS. The
cockpit has also been reworked to look and work like the very unique (and green) cockpit
of the Mirage IIIS.
The aircraft is still under development but a "Beta Release" is being offered at this
time. Please send your feedback to Isra. His email is in the readme file. The manual
isn't finished yet so don't ask. Just go explore and report back.
Download from here: http://www.mirage4fs.com/ (please go through the front door)