Mirage IIIS BETA released

My numbers flying the mirage.

E8500 3.16ghz
3070 ram

Radeon 4670 1gig

I disabled the panelsounds and mirrors.

Flying around default Sion in Switzerland and the adg Marham scenery with extra AI installed both gives a stable fps lock at 28.
This is a werry nice addon even at this beta stage.
Thanks a lot for all of your hard work!

Amazing work, Isra! Thanks so much for your efforts. The panel/sound fixes cured my frame rate issues entirely. I went from 2-3fps to about 19fps. Fantastic!
Thanks for the Flowers :)

For all those who do not have the Shockwave Payware Lights installed!

Here a Fix to add the FS9 Standard Lights:

Change the Lines in the Aircraft .cfg

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing

light.0 = 3, -10.7, -13.3, -1.8, fx_navred
light.1 = 3, -10.7, 13.3, -1.8, fx_navgre
light.2 = 1, -22.4, 0.2, 8.3, fx_beacon
light.3 = 1, -22.4, -0.2, 8.3, fx_beacon

light.12 = 5, 14.0, 0.3, -4.4, fx_landing
light.13 = 5, 14.0, -0.3, -4.4, fx_landing

The last line is new and not in the .cfg ;)

Regards Isra
Isra, isn't there a bug in FS that prevents it from displaying more than 8 lights on an aircraft ?
... houps... hi everybody... Isra... you made an outstanding realisation...

very nice 3D model... maybe some minor things to fix but...

very realistic aircraft... one of the very best... :applause: ...

Thank you, and best regards ... CHEERS !
Isra, the patches/fixes you made work perfectly for me. The virtual cockpit is a true work of art.

Cheers! Mike :wiggle:
Sent you a Link via PM for the LSMM Scenery, the Axalp I can't, since this Scenery is not for the public jet.

Cheers Isra
Sent you a Link via PM for the LSMM Scenery, the Axalp I can't, since this Scenery is not for the public jet.

Cheers Isra
Thanks Isra.I hope AlpX gets released soon,it looks great.can you recommend any swiss scenery like it for your MirageIII.:icon_lol: Cheers