More Alphasim goodies...

the Voodoo has a look that may suit the HAF 'Ghost' Camouflage... bugger another one on my list....

You're doing this to yourself, Smoothie...but you love it and you know it. I seem to have a very nice HAF repaint for my copy of the IRIS EAP. Looks like your brushwork, but I can't remember.

The Voodoo definately has a unique shape, spooky looking plane and rightly named so. The "Ghost" camo scheme will definately look good on her.

I've got this old VNAF repaint I did a while back for the T28, the VNAF as supplied by AS is not true VNAF but rather a USAF Farm Gate aircraft, the only difference between them is that the Farm Gate aircraft where flown by 1st Air Commando USAF wearing VNAF roundels but no tail flag and carried a coloured lightning bolt insignia. I have painted an aircraft from the VNAF's 2nd Fighter sqn, based at Nha Trang in 1962. If theres any interest I'll upload it.

Once again a very fine gesture from Virtavia! :applause:
Thank you!

Who feels up to doing this repaint? CF101 at CYXX entrance.

Count me in, mate! :salute:
My last Maple Leafed repaint is quite a while ago.
Thanks for posting the eagle crest - those crucial parts of a repaint sometimes are hard to search for...

The Voodoo for sure is one of the most beautiful jetfighters - she always appeared to me like the Phantom's more slender and prettier little sister.

The Voodoo for sure is one of the most beautiful jetfighters - she always appeared to me like the Phantom's more slender and prettier little sister.

yeah but would you rather marry a Phantom or a Voodoo? :icon_lol: i'll take mine with a bit of meat,.... phantom for me, but yeah voodoo is a good lookin' bird
Both "Lark One" and "Hawk One", along with "Lynx One" can be downloaded at, the file name is are were painted by Shane Strong.
yeah but would you rather marry a Phantom or a Voodoo? :icon_lol: i'll take mine with a bit of meat...
Good point, Matt!
My choice as well...
Fortunately, I didn't marry a Demon, Banshee, Voodoo, Phantom or any kind of spooky or scary manifestation (although she sometimes can turn into some kind of Fury...).

Of course I'll have to look first what Shane already has done on this bird, but I have to admit that I'm not too much fond of "special" or "anniversary" schemes. I'm not yet accustomed to the Canadian Voodoo's history, but besides the obvious display paint of the Comox gate guardian, I'd love to do some regular service paints, both of the red ensign/RCAF and the post-amalgamation era.

RL_201 has already pointed me to some fine line drawings - thanks, mate! :salute:
More to follow, so stay tuned...

Didn't Alphasim do a payware Banshee? I'd love to see one of those as freeware in RCN colours. Always thought they were a neat looking jet.

Dunno about the former Alphasim release, but they sure looked nice:

Meanwhile, I browsed along Shane's work on the Voodoo. Bottom line is:
There's not much I could add!
He has obviously covered the complete CF-101B era, and there's no need for me to re-invent the wheel...
But the Comox 035 is such a nice bird (in fact it's a 409 Sq Night Hawk, not an Eagle - sorry for this!), I can't resist.
Let's see what can be done within the texture size's restrictions...

Razbam did the Banshee.

Ahhh, OK. Thought I saw it somewhere. Well, if no Banshee I certainly wouldn't mind Alphasim making the F4D Skyray as freeware; I do remember someone doing some very nice "what if?" schemes for it for the Canadian Navy and the Australians as well...

Back OT: What would be a good soundset for the Voodoo? I've aliased mine to the Alphasim EE Lightning because it's loud early jet but surely there are better options..?
I use a soundset for the F-4 Phantom but for the life of me I cannot remember where I got it; I got it about the same time Virtavia made the Phantom freeware and it is nice and loud; besides there is that family resemblance thing going on... :kilroy:
The Voodoo uses Pratt & Whitney J-57's but I have not found a truly satisfactory soundset for this engine. The closest I could find was something for the Canberra by Mike Hambly (the American version used J-57s, the British one used RR Avons); this actually is the soundset for my A-3 Skywarrior. I couldn't with a clear conscience put this soundset on the Voodoo however. Wherever it came from it takes up 10.5MB. I tried looking for it under 'Phantom Sound' in but no joy; however there were quite a few soundsets for the Phantom which IMHO would be close. Hope this helps.
Sorry for the delay Guys. Too many planes and too little coffee.

Anyway, Here are the Shockwave settings for the Voodoos

They are slightly different in numbering as there is an extra vclight in the 2 seater. Also, I added strobes but they aren't working yet. Could an interence with the vortex entries. But hey, these ol' gals "Don't need no stinkin' strobes!!"

Also be sure to include these 2 lines in the Panel.cfg at the end of the first Vcockpit section. Be careful, as each panel has a different gauge count so the ID will be different for each of the 3 panels. It's really cool watching the lights go out when you pull up the gear

gaugeXX=shockwave_lights!SW Lights_gear, 1,1,1,1
gaugeXX=shockwave_lights!SW Lights_taxi_gear, 1,1,1,1
For the Single seater:
//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing
light.0 = 3, -8.60, -20.10, -0.95, fx_shockwave_navred
light.1 = 3, -8.60, 20.10, -0.95, fx_shockwave_navgre
light.2 = 3, -34.50, 0.00, 10.75, fx_shockwave_navwhi
light.3 = 3, 11.50, 0.00, 4.35, fx_strobe_red
light.4 = 3, 1.40, 0.00, -2.85, fx_strobe_red
light.5 = 4, 19.50, 0.00, 3.00, fx_shockwave_vclight,
light.6= 9, -17, -2, -0.8, mirage_burner_port
light.7= 9, -17, 2, -0.8, mirage_burner_starboard
light.8 = 2, -14.00, -19.75, -1.00, fx_Vortices
light.9 = 2, -14.00, 19.75, -1.00, fx_Vortices
//--------Added Strobes not working for now---------------
//light.10 = 2, -14.60, -19.75, 1.00, fx_shockwave_strobe ,
//light.11 = 2, -14.60, 19.75, 1.00, fx_shockwave_strobe_2 ,
//--------Added Landing & Taxi Lights --------------------
light.12 = 5, 21.00, 0.400, -4.00, fx_Shockwave_landing_light, << Landing
light.13 = 6, 21.00, -0.400, -4.60, fx_Shockwave_landing_light, << Taxi
And for the 2 seater:
//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing
light.0 = 3, -8.60, -20.10, -0.95, fx_shockwave_navred
light.1 = 3, -8.60, 20.10, -0.95, fx_shockwave_navgre
light.2 = 3, -33.27, 0.00, 10.75, fx_shockwave_navwhi
light.3 = 3, 7.50, 0.00, 4.85, fx_strobe_red
light.4 = 3, 1.50, 0.00, -2.85, fx_strobe_red
light.5 = 4, 19.50, 0.00, 3.00, fx_shockwave_vclight,
light.6 = 4, 14.50, 0.00, 3.00, fx_shockwave_vclight,
light.7= 9, -19, -2, -0.8, mirage_burner_port
light.8= 9, -19, 2, -0.8, mirage_burner_starboard
light.9 = 2, -14.00, -19.75, -1.00, fx_Vortices
light.10 = 2, -14.00, 19.75, -1.00, fx_Vortices
//--------Added Strobes not working for now---------------
//light.11 = 2, -14.60, -19.75, 1.00, fx_shockwave_strobe ,
//light.12 = 2, -14.60, 19.75, 1.00, fx_shockwave_strobe_2 ,
//--------Added Landing & Taxi Lights --------------------
light.13 = 5, 21.00, 0.400, -4.00, fx_Shockwave_landing_light, << Landing
light.14 = 6, 21.00, -0.400, -4.60, fx_Shockwave_landing_light, << Taxi
I use the sound that was used in a FS2002 freeware version of an Avro Arrow; it can be found at, filename
Here's the F-4 sound pack that I use, and it may be the one that DrZook uses.,, by [SIZE=-1]Ferry Sab

Very loud, very good. I use it on my F-4s, my F-8s, my F-101, F-105, F-107...basically anything 60s and 70s and jet powered.
