More Alphasim goodies...

The Voodoo was powered by J-57s but the B-57 had wright J65s which were licence built Armstrong Siddeley Sapphires. The J-65 powered early Skyhawks so any soundpack for a Scooter could perhaps be used/modified.
Thanks for the soundpack suggestions!
The J-57 with afterburner was quite unique; the version without afterburners were used on several aircraft including the B-52 and A-3 but those soundpacks lack the AB sounds of course. The only other aircraft with a J-57 with afterburner is the Crusader and although I love the sounds that come with the Alphasim F-8 it was made for one engine, not two.
Nope. At least not here...
A regular bank account will do, payment goes by direct debit.
Fine thing for ebay too.

PayPal and German banks play together very nicely .... US banks not so much in my experience. In that case a CC is the way to go.

PayPal and German banks play together very nicely .... US banks not so much in my experience. In that case a CC is the way to go.


My paypal was originally set up to debit from my bank, which is still default. I use my debit card as backup for instant purchase, as paypal does not "pay" until money is actually debited, unless a credit/debit card is available. I've had paypal for 5-6 years now, no trouble ever.

It is suggested that you open a savings account just for paypal use, and only put small amount of money in it, to cover your purchases, just in case...
It was mentioned that there were lots of paints for these two. I found a bunch for the VooDoo on both Avsim and Flightsim, but only found 4 files, including the one posted here Sunday the 24th by rsgunner,, for the Trojan. Any help on more? I have bunches for Tim Conrad's Trojans.
It was mentioned that there were lots of paints for these two. I found a bunch for the VooDoo on both Avsim and Flightsim, but only found 4 files, including the one posted here Sunday the 24th by rsgunner,, for the Trojan. Any help on more? I have bunches for Tim Conrad's Trojans.

There are loads for the Trojan on Flightsim - I downloaded 9 earlier, need to go back for more. The author of the ones I have was Russel Smith (rsgunner, as you've identified), I used the search "trojan" and selected "Modern Military", gets you about 2 pages worth, so must be 15-20+ repaints.
There are loads for the Trojan on Flightsim - I downloaded 9 earlier, need to go back for more. The author of the ones I have was Russel Smith (rsgunner, as you've identified), I used the search "trojan" and selected "Modern Military", gets you about 2 pages worth, so must be 15-20+ repaints.

Thanks Andy, I used "Alphasim T-28 Trojan" and searched entire library. Sometimes you just have to change a word or two. :pop4: looks like Virtavia has released their F-22 Raptor in both FS9 and FSX variants over at
I haven't flown it yet but I thought you all would like to know.:kilroy:

I have flown the Alpha/Virtavia Raptor for quite some time... it is a genuine blast to fly. Wanna get somewhere quick? Just hop into the cockpit, spool up those engines, taxi off the ramp to the runway and GO!!! :isadizzy: Highly recommended if you like very fast jets.

Just be warned that you can get lost quick in that cockpit if you don't pay attention... lol

I have flown the Alpha/Virtavia Raptor for quite some time... it is a genuine blast to fly. Wanna get somewhere quick? Just hop into the cockpit, spool up those engines, taxi off the ramp to the runway and GO!!! :isadizzy: Highly recommended if you like very fast jets.

Just be warned that you can get lost quick in that cockpit if you don't pay attention... lol


I second that. Bought it when it was payware. Don't miss it.
Was flying her the other night to check something out before commenting in the thread on the Iris FSX version. Still an awesome bird. And you can't beat the price.
Will we see some repaints from our talented artists? Man, those 50s and 60s schemes for planes like the F-101! :jump:
