the thing is, most developers are making sooo much money, it's a wonder they ever produce anything at all after their first release. of course we've all heard the stories of their rockstar lifestyles. the women, the lavish mansions, garages full of exotic cars, etc. it's easy to hate those guys, especially when you see them on mtv cribs, hangin with snoop dog and maria carey, denzel washington, and the rest of the rich and powerful. it's a wonder how they sleep at night.
I almost fell off my chair laughing so hard.. Oh man.. Thanks for that.
Yes, I am a FS9 guy. :d
As I stated in another thread (the Epic Victory thread in the FSX room), I have had to make the decision to go to FSX only on the Victory because I needed parts to be super detailed, I need a TON of parts and I hit my limit already (early in the game) twice, several weeks ago. I have been stalled in depression up until Christmas where, during prayer, asking God for a way to fix this, it occurred to me (that calm answer that comes to you like a gentle wind) that for now, I could make (continue) the Epic Victory in FSX only format.
You see, I (me) wants to make FS9 planes. They are easier to make. They never have bugs or issues, never crash computers (rarely in FS9), and run good. They are great! I release them and usually only get back great feedback from FS9 people. But FSX is filled with 'my plane is black, my plane crashes my computer, my this happens, my that happens, it turns pink, it turns into a pile of parts like it went through a black hole'......
So you see, I would love to do only FS9 planes..
But, I need details, small parts, close vertices, and TONS and TONS of parts, which means I need a compiler that can make a FS9 plane with no limitations on polygons, and no limitations on vertice proximity distances.
EDIT: ADDED; In my studies on my own on the FS9 compiler, I found out that the 'antiquated' compiler uses MASM code, which was designed around Pentium 386 and 486 chips. The compiler dumps the entire model into the RAM memory pool for compiling, doing this all at once. (What it could do, is do the interior, then exterior, but the actual MDL compiler, MakeMDL.exe, does the entire model in one go.. The X files and ASM files are done in sets, not both at once). In the old days, if your 386 computer maxed out its memory on such a compiler, you crashed your computer. So they installed limitations on the compiler to keep people from crashing their computers. But today, when people have dual cores and quad cores and this is almost common now to have chips 10X faster then what they were back in the early FS2004 days, you can now run such a unlimited compiler with great ease.
Note; the CFS 3 compiler has 'no' limitations on polygons, and no proximity limitations either, and the 'field' of compiling is quite similar. You could almost say its almost the same, but the CFS platform uses different tag names and they utilise LOD's more then FS9/FSX.
Now, since I leaked this 'secret' in the other thread, here is the deal. I am secretly working with a huge, great programing guru on a new compiler for FS2004 which would have the limitations taken out. This would mean, I could make the Victory for FS9 as well. But this program isnt done yet. This is a pretty sophisticated process or thing to do. So far, its so complex that we are trying to do it by a secondary bypass. So far, no joy. But I am faithful.. I have been praying to God for this thing to happen for many years now. Lets see if this gentleman can do it. (Pray for him).
So just remember, you guys that are FS2004 only people, that I am on your side.