Thanks Hans ! What do you think about the MSFS Hellcat and Corsair ?
I quickly learned not to fly VR with bigger aircraft/VC's than GA or the occasional prop- or jetfighter. Flying VR is totally amazing but if i can't read the instruments properly it can become annoying. (i have a HP Reverb G2). How's that with DCS ? Are VC's in DCS generally better/sharper looking compared to MSFS ? ( DCS VC's look a lot better compared to VC's in MSFS in the first place, isn't it..). And there are no 'big' aircraft in DCS to begin with, right ? I mean no airliners or cargo planes, WWII bombers and that sort of thing. What i *would* love to see in DCS is a B-17 or Lancaster. Do you know if anything like that might be in the pipeline ? C-47 maybe ?....
Thanks !![]()
Yes, I would say that for the most part the payware aircraft are to a higher quality than MSFS in general. There are of course devs who do just as good in MSFS. But I would say in general DCS looks better for the majority of aircraft.
To give my opinion regarding your original question, the FM:
I believe that the order of possible highest fidelity FMs goes in order:
1. DCS
2. P3D
3. X-plane
2 and 3 may be swapped....I don't recall...I just remember talking to a dev behind the scenes who has done work in all of them that was what they said. So take it with a grain of salt.
In terms of what I fly, I mainly only fly military. And so I fly DCS in an online squadron. Most are Real world pilots, including me. None of us have MSFS installed. I installed it to fly the Dark star from Top Gun module. But then once the novelty wore off I took it off. I find it to be an amazing world simulator but overall just not interested. I can do like 95% of everything you can do with the DCS aircraft counterparts of the real thing. So it's much more immersive for me. My buddy who recently transitioned said that he used PMDG 737 in order to learn all the flows for his checkrides. So it was a precise system simulator/task trainer 1:1 to his real life ride. Outside of that, no one I fly with uses MSFS. Probably because they're geared to mil flight. But we were all on the beta and didn't like the ground handling at the time. Not sure if that ever changed or not. Any way. I think your question should have categories for the "Best" aircraft. My bid would be the Heatblur F-14 Tomcat. Overall it's probably THE benchmark in simulation, for FM, Engine Model, Systems, Crew and Comms. It's not even something I fly that much. But it's just mind blowing. Nothing I've ever flown ever before even comes close to it's total immersion in a specific type. My main mount is the Viper, which is amazing. But HB Tomcat is on another level of immersion.
No, it doesn't have big aircraft (Yet). A C-130 is coming. There is also a Freeware Lancaster being made as a mod. It does look quite good. I'm not sure how that will work out but it does look quite good quality for freeware! The AI B-17 in DCS is quite good external. I'll attach a recent set of pics for a livery I made not too long ago. I'm hoping that with the expansion of the Spherical world model, DCS will be able to incorporate our favorite bombers and recon aircraft like, SR-71, U-2, B-52, B-58, B-17, Lancaster, B-24.

C-130J Info