MSFS Releases Local Legend 17: THE Curtiss C-46 Commando

yes - it can be started manually - there are helpful videos on youtube that can show you how
couple of questions please -

Where is the tail wheel lock control
I assume no flaps required for take-off as they are not mentioned in the pre-takeoff checklist items

tailwheel lock is a lever at the front of the center console marked TW
no flaps on takeoff
I had hoped starting it manually would fix it but auto or manual the aircraft seems to only burn fuel from the left tanks
my question about this airplane has to do with the functioning tow cable release lever - makes me think this was supposed to have a Waco glider like the C-47 and may have originally been intended as part of the June 6 release. It would not have been accurate - the C-46 wasn't used in Europe until early 1945.
But that might explain the apparent mystery of the LL17. It might also explain some of the other aspects of this release. Also - Why only 4 liveries and why isn't at least one of them a CBI paint? or a 1945 European theater example. This feels rushed and maybe a little extry unfinished comparatively.
I'm hoping that AH has a plan to either finish, update, or expand on this aircraft as time and scheduling permits but that is a question only they can answer
Tail wheel lock is lower right of pedestal "TW Lock".
Interestingly below that is "Cable Release" to release a glider - but sadly the C46 doesn't show up as a selectable tug for the Waco...AH missed a trick there :(

Flaps are set to 0 in runway.flt so the intention is for a flapless take-off.

EDIT: whoops missed Heywoods mail :)

The AP can work for heading, though I understand it works in 'ROL' mode so maybe needs to be trimmed absolutely flat to start?
For me it works 50% of the time...

There is an entry for two KX155 Bendix/King NavComm radios in the panel file, and textures for them so maybe they are selectable someway?
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"....... so maybe needs to be trimmed absolutely flat to start?"
It mentions trimming first in the manual I'll try that today. Pitch/Alt hold seemed to work without that step.

A little later.......
Well, that didn't work at all. In fact, on this first flight the Pitch hold didn't work either. No matter how well the aircraft was trimmed, as soon as I activated the Sperry, she went into a steep nosedive. Adjusting the elevator gyro had no effect on the dive. Hdg gyro still same as yesterday, no effect at all.

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You can use the C-46 as a tug plane. All you need is a livery with a aircraft.cfg. (I am currently working on Lufthansa-one). But you have to edit the aircraft.cfg with the line:


at the end of entries. Restart MSFS.


But it seems you need to have a longer rwy.

These colors work great seeing as how I landed in Japan on the last flight.

Autopilot update:
In the manual it states, "4. Turn the shut-off valve control on the hydraulic panel to the ON position". As far as I can tell searching everywhere there isn't anything shown in the manual or VC, as the hydraulic panel or the shut-off control valve. But, with the tool tips on there is an emergency autopilot power lever, to the right of the pilot yoke on/off lever. By toggling this back and forth with the Sperry power on, it does sometimes give a bit better control to the Sperry. Pitch and Bank work pretty well and makes longer flights doable with an occasion tweek to the heading using the bank control. The actual heading adjustment is incredibly iffy at best and really not sure that I've seen it work at all so far???

Also noticed a minor the mis-labeling. The "Open/Closed" decals on the flap levers seems backwards.

Tail wheel lock is lower right of pedestal "TW Lock".
Interestingly below that is "Cable Release" to release a glider - but sadly the C46 doesn't show up as a selectable tug for the Waco...AH missed a trick there :(

Flaps are set to 0 in runway.flt so the intention is for a flapless take-off.

EDIT: whoops missed Heywoods mail :)

The AP can work for heading, though I understand it works in 'ROL' mode so maybe needs to be trimmed absolutely flat to start?
For me it works 50% of the time...

There is an entry for two KX155 Bendix/King NavComm radios in the panel file, and textures for them so maybe they are selectable someway?
Many thanks
As far as I have found there is nothing mysterious about turning the autopilot on, just press the on button on the sperry panel and it engages. No need to worry about hydraulics as mentioned in the manual
The autopilot heading needs to be close to your desired heading before it captures it. I use bank mode to guide it there and it just switches to heading mode itself. You can watch the bank mark begin to center itself when it approaches the heading. The pitch behaves just like the DC-3 one does

Is everyone else having the fuel only burning from the left issue? I can switch which left tank it draws from but the right side remains untouched.
I also noticed at 34" manifold pressure and 2300rpm in auto lean it was burning 240 gallons per hour total which is way high.
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As far as I have found there is nothing mysterious about turning the autopilot on, just press the on button on the sperry panel and it engages. No need to worry about hydraulics as mentioned in the manual
The autopilot heading needs to be close to your desired heading before it captures it. I use bank mode to guide it there and it just switches to heading mode itself. You can watch the bank mark begin to center itself when it approaches the heading. The pitch behaves just like the DC-3 one does

Is everyone else having the fuel only burning from the left issue? I can switch which left tank it draws from but the right side remains untouched.
I also noticed at 34" manifold pressure and 2300rpm in auto lean it was burning 240 gallons per hour total which is way high.
Turn off the cross-feed, on the pedestal
I think it's great so far, but I have issues with the autopilot (I'm sure that's me...) and the ADF. I can't seem to find the receiver for it to dial in the frequency. The VOR is also a mystery to me. Where do you dial in the radial (OBS)?
I did not turn it on. I did experiment yesterday when I was only getting one tank to feed and it made no difference.

However todays experiment has gone quite different. Left tank on right tank off, start right engine , no fuel is consumed from either tank, start left engine and fuel is used from left tank, switch on right tank and both tanks are feeding and at cruise power the fuel flow is quite close to what the flight manual says it should be.
I think it's great so far, but I have issues with the autopilot (I'm sure that's me...) and the ADF. I can't seem to find the receiver for it to dial in the frequency. The VOR is also a mystery to me. Where do you dial in the radial (OBS)?
The ADF is to the right of the magnetic compass under the transponder.
I like the exterior model and the cockpit a lot. That being said, I've found many strange things. This is not a formal bug report, just some odd things on my end (tested in default parked spawn, then tested with "cold and dark" switch on):
1- The supercharger levers seem to be at high blower at spawn? Moving them from their spawn position whether on the air or on the ground to the opposite position (tooltip "booster off" -> "booster on") decreases manifold pressure
2- Fuel crossfeed for the right engine is on at spawn, both engines feeding off the left tanks. However, until either engine is "on" the tooltip will always read "crossfeed on" for both engines. Toggling them on and off seems to solve this, despite the tooltip not changing. Once either engine is on the tooltip and lever animation work normally.
3- Turning off booster pumps results in engine death after a few seconds, whether on the ground or in flight, regardless of mixture, throttle or RPM setting. Checklist specifically says to turn them off, which I'm sure is confusing some players when their engines die shortly after.

I also found it very weird that the oil coolers are generally kept shut and how hard it is to overheat the engines, but I am not familiar with the real life C-46.

Engine start always works, but I can imagine a lot of people are missing steps due to the cockpit layout. You need booster pumps on the lower pedestal on, fuel selectors on the pilot's left on, mags & master on, and then you just press the energize, mesh, and primer switches for the engine and it will turn on. If that's still not working, cycle the mixture levers. I had two failed starts today: one because the sim wasn't picking up my irl throttle console's mixture position and therefore kept it at idle cutoff, and the other because I accidentally shut off the fuel selector when trying to move another control. On the fuel selector 0 dimples/bumps facing up is tanks off, 1 dimple is front tank, 2 is center, 3 is aft. I find that much easier than reading the raised text on the wheel.