Well, this plane deserves a fix of the cfg file. Without it I won't fly it and that's a shame! Who can come forward as a cfg-guru?
I tried fixing it but it's too screwed up. Think I'll try a different cfg that I know is good.Well, this plane deserves a fix of the cfg file. Without it I won't fly it and that's a shame! Who can come forward as a cfg-guru?
I tried fixing it but it's too screwed up. Think I'll try a different cfg that I know is good.
Any suggestions on a good match?
"The Warplanes of the Third Riech" by "William Green" the Fiesler had some pretty fantastic flight characteristics, "Flight trials revealed the fact the Fi 167 V1 possessed truly exceptional low-speed characteristics, and throttled back and with elevators fully up, the aircraft simply sank slowly and almost vertically. on one ocasion, with Gerhard Fiesler at the controls the aircraft "sank" 9,800ft. to an altitude of a 100 ft. above the ground while remaining continuously over one spot." Pretty fantastic stuff.
...small inboard flaps on each wing panel.Just going by photographs it looks like this plane did not have flaps. I need to know as Iwork on FDs. Does anyone know for sure? There is no flap animation on the model is there?
Just going by photographs it looks like this plane did not have flaps. I need to know as Iwork on FDs. Does anyone know for sure? There is no flap animation on the model is there?
I suspect there are things connected with the air file which I can't do anything with. It remains nose heavy,
You can acces this value (and experiment) if you use AirEditPitch Moment Coeff at AoA=0
The first entry in the pitch section in primary aerodynamics controls how easy, or how hard it is to raise the nose of the aircraft.
The larger the negative (-) number the easier, and/or quicker the nose will raise while accelerating. The larger the positive (+) number, the harder it will be to raise the nosewheel off the tarmac at any speed. THIS VALUE IS CORRECT WHEN YOU AREFLYING LEVEL AT CRUISE SPEED AND THE PITCH TRIM IS AT, OR NEAR, 0; ORNEAR CENTER FOR PITCH TRIMGAUGES THAT ARE NOT DIGITAL .
Not yet find the time to work deep on this aircraft .. have other (simmingFS2004 (ACOF) - Misc. FS2004/FSX Flight Dynamics Tutorial
[SIZE=-1] [ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: bfdfe07.zip Size: 886,809 Date: 09-11-2009 Downloads: 1,120
[SIZE=-1]FS2004/FSX Flight Dynamics Tutorial. This PDF file is the final edition for the tutorial on how to tweak the flight dynamics of FS2004, and now FSX aircraft. In this version the author has added a few things and tried to make the rest of it a little more clear. By Bob Chicilo. (Previous version had 1089 downloads.)![]()
[/SIZE] FS2004 (ACOF) - Misc. FS2004/FSX Air Ed
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Name: godaired.zip Size: 217,305 Date: 08-06-2009 Downloads: 1,933
[SIZE=-1]FS2004/FSX Air Ed. This is a good copy of AirEd by William M. Roth. The uploader noticed that other versions of this utility are missing things. Like in primary aerodynamics under lift, there should be 8 records, not 6. This upload is for anyone who is trying to tweak the flight dynamics of FS2004 or FSX aircraft and might have been having a problem. Uploaded by Bob Chicilo.[/SIZE]![]()
well paintkit is 90% done.... anyone got any schemes they'd like to see?
well paintkit is 90% done.... anyone got any schemes they'd like to see?