New freeware Percival Mew Gull released

I had a payware version of this (I think from Flying Station) for FSX and really enjoyed it so I definitely am ready for this beauty. Thanks DSD Simulations!
The book of the screenshot of the model. It's an incredible story.


Met the great man when he visited BBMF in 1992. He was driving a Porsche. Love JanKees Table Mountain shots. Incredible story of World Record Long Distance flight.
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My only aviation claim to fame is parachuting out of an aircraft flown by Battle of Britain ace, Jim ' Ginger' Lacey.
Well if that don't beat all! One great day in the early seventies I looked in the VIP tent at Duxford to see Bader, Tuck, Cheshire and "Cocky" Dundas so asked for their autographs on a print but being in ink they faded over the years.