New freeware Percival Mew Gull released

I had a payware version of this (I think from Flying Station) for FSX and really enjoyed it so I definitely am ready for this beauty. Thanks DSD Simulations!

Met the great man when he visited BBMF in 1992. He was driving a Porsche. Love JanKees Table Mountain shots. Incredible story of World Record Long Distance flight.
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My only aviation claim to fame is parachuting out of an aircraft flown by Battle of Britain ace, Jim ' Ginger' Lacey.
Well if that don't beat all! One great day in the early seventies I looked in the VIP tent at Duxford to see Bader, Tuck, Cheshire and "Cocky" Dundas so asked for their autographs on a print but being in ink they faded over the years.