New freeware

Thank you AH! Nothing makes my day like free planes or free gave the planes...I'm off to find the food!


Free planes AND free food. Now THAT'S icing on the cake.

I have to say that the little Boomerang really does sound fierce. (You gotta give the guys who flew this gallant little plane during WWII credit). The model is really a joy to fly.

Thanks, Bazzar and AH for the superb free planes.:applause::applause::applause:

Glad you're enjoying them. They're getting a little long in the tooth now but I reckon they'll still remain airworthy for a while longer!

Don't see an awful lot on the Lavochkin. Not popular any more? ( just curious, it did well in its day:engel016:)
I have my Lavochkin book out too Huub, but I am having too much fun with the Eindecker at present. :applause::ernae:
